Am I About To Achieve Marathon #20? Or DNF #1?

Marine Corps Marathon mile 26

I’m not gonna lie to you guys – I’m feeling a bit nervous about the Marine Corps Marathon.


Hey, remember that knee trouble I reported back in frickin’ APRIL? I never managed to quite get rid of it. I think it’s patellar tendinitis. It’s been waxing and waning, and I wasn’t able to settle into a proper training groove. My long run count was… less than great, and maxed out at 13 miles. Looking at the numbers, this has easily been my worst year of running since I started. Bleh.

It doesn’t help that I have my second Dopey Challenge on the horizon. As much as I care about the Marine Corps Marathon (this will be my 5th; if I make it, I’m in the club!), Dopey means more to me. I don’t mind running slowly and gently with minor discomfort. But if I feel like I might be actively injuring myself, I’ve got to pull myself from the race. I hate that, but I can’t take risk hurting myself to the point that it jeopardizes my Dopey Challenge.

Dopey Challenge step and repeat from 2015


Should I successfully complete this year’s Marine Corps Marathon, it’ll be my ceremonially marathon #20! Wee! Man, I’d really love to make it happen. And while I’m trying to get into a realistic headspace, I must confess I am not entirely without hope.

Firstly, while my knee is still not 100%, it’s been on the upswing lately. Perhaps I’ve cracked the healing code with my strength training? My strength training has continued unabated, so it’s not like I’ve been sitting around doing nothing.

I’ve been trying to make sure I get it good and warm before I run, and I managed to knock at a 9 miler with no pain recently. I also switched my shoes to the Brooks Hyperion Max, which as the name implies is a VERY cushy shoe. Call me crazy, but I think it’s helping.

Brooks Hyperion Max

I also know of many people who managed to finish a marathon under similar situations. I read about a guy who discovered the morning of his Dopey-crowning WDW Marathon that he was suffering from plantar fasciitis. My own beloved Erika ran a marathon with a fractured foot. Don’t forget all those people who suddenly found themselves running a marathon when the WDW Half was cancelled in 2017. And I myself was undertrained for my 2020 Goofy Challenge; it still turned out fine.

It’s important that I do not get overconfident/overexcited and start running the hard and fast strides of a whole person, but all is not lost. MCM gives you 7 hours. As long as I’m not in pain, I’ll power walk. My mental game is strong. Put me down for a firm maybe.

Anyway, MCM was my first marathon too. Symmetry is nice.


That’s the right usage of that phrase, right? Somebody born in the current millennium please confirm.

I will show up at the start line. There will be up to an entire roll of kinesio tape on my body. I will run conservatively, and allow myself generous walk breaks. Will it be a scene of physical triumph, or will I show grace and maturity in discovering I cannot finish this race? Only time will tell. Stay tuned!

Marine Corps Marathon start line

P.S. I’ll post my MCM bib number to my Instagram Stories if you wanna know in real time.

Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email fairestrunofall@gmail.comSee ya real soon!

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