Hello and happy Global Running Day! On this macrocosmic day of running, I wish to correct a microcosmic oversight. See, my very first race was the 2013 Princess Half Marathon. I started this blog a few months later, and have faithfully recapped every race I’ve ever run since then… except for one.
Sure, I ran the Annapolis Beer Run 5K almost ten years ago. Sure, internet information about the event is scant (I’m not sure it even exists anymore?).
And sure, I didn’t take any photos. And sure, all my memories are hazy. But this gap has driven me slightly crazy off and on over the past decade, so we’re going to spackle it over with whatever we have on hand. Let’s rummage around my brain and see what comes up, shall we?
This race took place at the Anne Arundel fairgrounds, although I’m not entirely sure if it was part of a larger event. There’s web evidence to suggest that in 2014 there was a noon start time for “serious” runners, while more casual participants were told to start at 1pm. I don’t remember this being a thing for 2013, though, and we all lined up at the same time.
What I do remember with tremendous clarity is that there were signs posted on the side of the start area to indicate where you should begin given your predicted pace. My ex-boyfriend talked me into a time slot that was way too fast for me – “C’mon, you just did a half marathon” – and when the gun went off, I was predictably outclassed. Luckily I don’t recall being in anyone’s way (there were no time chips, only gun time); I just kinda faded backward.
Yes, I went into this race recap knowing it was not my strongest showing – that’s how much of a completionist I am. Aside from being early on in my running journey, it was a hilly trail course over dirt roads and meadows, and I did woefully little outdoor running at the time. Two loops of the course equalled the 5K.
The great thing, though, was that it didn’t really matter! Unless you were one of the speedy folks really gunning for a prize, the whole thing could be tackled with a casual stroll. You did notice, I trust, that this particular 5K’s moniker was the beer run?
For that’s what it was: different… bars? Breweries? I don’t know. There were little stands and kiosks along the course, and they had beer samples for us. Run, or jog, or walk to one, drink some beer, repeat. This is how I discovered Abita Purple Haze, and that when it’s on draft I LOVE IT. Shout out to Port Orleans Riverside for stocking one of my favorites!
So we did that – jog to a kiosk, have a beer sample, repeat – for two loops of the course… and when we completed the two loops, the race organizers told us we could keep going for all they care. Do three loops! Do four! Didn’t matter from where they were standing. Like I said, the course was pretty loosey-goosey with no closed roads, and I guess the organizers has nowhere to be?
Thus our 5K turned into a 7.5K – ish? I’m not sure I even trust that – and we did an extra loop. That proved to be enough for us, though, and we pulled off and headed out even as others were setting off for another round. For all I know, they’re still out there in the wilds of the Annapolis suburbs, subsisting on Hefeweizens and IPAs and dodging Rennfaire patrons every summer.
And that was, as it happens, my first 5K! Kind of. I mean, not really. Like, that was more of a… walking around drinking beer one afternoon for an indeterminate amount of time and space. But I did get a race bib, so it counts. Although it’s the one race bib I seem to have lost. Did I actual do this race? Is this all a false memory?? Why would I not make myself fast in my own false memory???
Hold on, hold on, BREAKING NEWS: I DID NOT MAKE THIS 5K UP. While digging around for more information on the race, I found a picture of me from it?! I’m shocked, shocked! Truly the internet is a place of wonders. Source (and more photos) here.

I forgot I ever even had that sweatshirt.
Well, one way or another, I’ve done it – I’ve reconstructed the one missing race recap* to the best of my ability. I can think of only one way to celebrate. Does anyone have a draft pour of Abita Purple Haze I could borrow?**
* To rule them all!
** And not give back.
Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email fairestrunofall@gmail.com. See ya real soon!
Okay, but I want to make this race a thing again. It sounds awesome!
Ha, I’m in!