It’s time for my all-time favorite type of post: the trip report! See all the posts in my 2022 Wine & Dine Half Marathon trip report. Onward!
Our Walt Disney World day began as so many WDW days now do: with a pre-7am wakeup call to reserve virtual queue/Lightning Lane spots. The target was Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind, because with the randomized soundtrack, you can’t ride just once, you know?
Good news: we were successful on both counts! Better news: we got to go back to bed for a bit!
For while discussing our plans the night before, we had the following exchange:
ME: So after we get our virtual queue spot and such, we should probably leave soon after for rope drop at Epcot.
ME: …………… I don’t know.
See, none of us were there for the first time, and we’d all ridden every headliner ride before. Well, except for me, trailing behind with no Guardians rides on the board, but that was already taken care of. So… why do rope drop the day before a race, exactly?
This sage wisdom thus imparted, we took naps before heading into Epcot. Our Guardians virtual queue spot was called just as we headed out of our room, and the wonderful, beautiful Skyliner got us to the park in plenty of time.
We didn’t have much time to dally, though, and we headed straight into Cosmic Rewind to cash in that virtual queue reservation. And how did I, an incorrigible Universe of Energy defender, feel about the ride?
In a phrase: I LOVED IT. In an emoticon:

Arguably, here follow some light spoilers, but I would suggest that it would be almost impossible to truly spoil Cosmic Rewind. To me, it is an extremely senses-driven experience, with the “plot” nothing more than a series of MacGuffins lined up neatly in a row. Indeed, the first time I rode, I was so overcome by the visuals I barely heard a word of on-ride dialogue. Having focused better on the story progression the second time around, I have concluded that none of it matters very much.
I do think, however, that the music you get can have a major impact on your impression of the ride. My first song was so boring I neither recognized it nor remember what it was now. Let me see if the internet can help me. Okay, by process of elimination I think it was “I Ran” by A Flock of Seagulls, and despite the title seeming relevant to my personal interests I wasn’t really feeling it.
Wait, I promised some spoilers, didn’t I? I can tell you that Drax is my favorite Guardian and remains my favorite Guardian within the context of Cosmic Rewind. Everything he says is golden, especially as pertains to cake.* Also I am inevitably pleased to see Terry Crews. That’s it, I guess. Like I said, I could describe the whole thing to you, but really you just have to see it/hear it.
* WAIT! ………. There is cake?
Just outside the ride is a Magic Shot PhotoPass spot, so we hopped in that line next. All the photos turned out really cute – Jenn Approved! (Click to enlarge.)

We also swung through The Creations Shop so Erika could replace her forgotten Magic Band. She went with the glittery pink one again, because we are Glittery Pink Magic Band Buddies.
Then it was on to World Showcase for our first dip into the 2022 Food & Wine Festival. Food reviews to come; suffice it to say, it was a both snack- and drink-intensive afternoon. Oh, and this happened:
Around the African Outpost, while feasting on our latest festival foods, Becky asked me how the Wine & Dine After Party worked, as this was her first time. I realized in that exact moment that I had never received my after party ticket in the mail, so I needed to pick it up at the expo. You know, the expo where I was the day before. Oops.
Time to put those WDW Power User chops to the test! It was now – I remember this distinctly – 12:37pm. Our Guardians Lightning Lane reservation was for 2:30pm, with an hour long window. I could make it work, but I needed to leave right then. Here we go!
First I power walked around World Showcase, exiting at the International Gateway. I hung a left across the bridge to the Boardwalk, where I trotted up the steps to the Boardwalk Resort and took another left and eventually found the expo bus stop. I rode that to the expo, stopped immediately at the box office, got my ticket, hurled myself back on the bus to the Boardwalk, and reversed the whole process. In and out in 90 minutes. Bam!
I found Erika and Becky again in France, where they were waiting for the next showing of the Beauty and the Beast Singalong. I tried to get a drink at the France kiosk beforehand, to help, but the line was so long I bailed and just made it into the lobby before we were let into the theater.
Now. I have heard much of this BatB singalong. None of it is positive. Perhaps that is why I didn’t think it was so bad. Don’t get me wrong, it was NOT good. It was boring, and kinda crudely animated, and above all, MADE ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. But at least it wasn’t as cringey as I expected? I certainly don’t feel a need to see it again. Give me the regular France movie any day.
We made a quick pit stop at the bathrooms by the old Starbucks location – bonus points for the water bottle refill station! – before heading back to Cosmic Rewind for a Lightning Lane reservation. This time around we got “Disco Inferno” as our song, which I liked much better. We also got a funnier ending scene, which I didn’t even realize was randomized.

A few more Food & Wine Festival booths later, and then we were ready to throw in the towel on our pre-race Epcot day. We took the Skyliner back to our room at Art of Animation and spent the rest of the evening chilling and prepping for the next morning’s race.
Heck, we were all basically asleep by 9pm, which is a record for me. And I didn’t even get the shakes, which is an even more meaningful milestone! I mean, with three people in the room, somebody’s bound to wake up on time, right?

Next up: The Wine & Dine Half Marathon!
Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email See ya real soon!