It’s time for my favorite type of post: a trip report! I celebrated my second vaccine dose with a trip to WDW accompanied by Becky of Disney In Your Day. I will now exhaustively tell you all about it. You can read all the posts in this report here. Onward!
I got up early for a quick run and shower before our Magic Kingdom morning. We didn’t plan to make rope drop anyway, so we spent a little time perfecting our outfit choices for the day because we both like looking thematically cute while park-going. People give you compliments and stuff! It’s the best!
Once we were happy with our attire, we skipped off to the Pop bus stop to find a Magic Kingdom bus waiting for us. Despite arriving a bit late the crowds were quite manageable.
Step One: a concert from some socially distanced Dapper Dans. Don’t tell Pat but I’m slightly in love with the bass guy – I just love a bass voice!

Hey, guys, didn’t you get photos in front of Cinderella Castle the first day? Yeah, we did. What’s your point?

Post photo shoot, we veered off to Tomorrowland, passing by the very influential Purple Wall on the way. Believe it or not, I had never had my photo taken at this historic landmark. I KNOW! Nobody panic; the situation has been rectified.

Instagram appeased, we took a trip on Space Mountain (left side again!), then stopped at Joffrey’s so Becky could try their s’mores specialty coffee. We followed that up with breakfast at The Lunching Pad because it had gone so well the first time (a thorough exploration of WDW breakfast sandwiches is coming!).
Next we had to take a spin on the fabled Tomorrowland Transit Authority Peoplemover, newly back in action that week. It was everything I remembered – and gave us a pretty good look at the skeleton of the upcoming Tron coaster, too.
Social distancing strikes again – there was a line for the Carousel of Progress. A line! For the CoP! On a non-holiday! But only because they weren’t filling the theaters. We were on the next rotation anyway. I really enjoy CoP with the exception of the final scene, which is increasingly cringe-worthy as the years pass. I wish they’d just revert to the way it looked originally and call it retro-futurism. It’s fun to find the cat in every scene, though.
Oh, look, a PhotoPass photographer! Don’t have to tell us twice.

From there we walked over to Liberty Square for a pass through the Haunted Mansion, then straight on to Frontierland for the Country Bear Jamboree. This attraction had a line as well, for the same reason as CoP, but we didn’t have to wait too long. A couple character cavalcades came by while we were waiting, so there was even entertainment.

I freaking love Country Bears because it is so weeeeeird – and I worry, because it’s so weird, its days are numbered. Gotta get those showings in while you can. In it for “Mama, Don’t Whup Little Buford.”

We slipped over to Adventureland then for the Citrus Swirls that had eluded us earlier in the week – and this time we were successful! Lunch of champions.
By this point it was early afternoon, and after a full morning we were ready for a brief break. We picked up a Pop bus quickly and were back in the room for a rest in no time. Two out of three caballaros escorted us out, which was nice.

Fortified by downtime, we were ready to head out on our evening mission: Disney Springs. We grabbed a bus and from there went straight to our first stop, Wine Bar George. I’m gonna do a full post on our Disney Springs bar crawl because a) it involved a lot of tasty snacks and drinks that deserve more detailed review and b) it was fun and the reason I like trip reports is because I like reliving the fun!

So you can expect further specifics about some really good drinks sometime next month or so, but in the meantime: we went to the aforementioned Wine Bar George, Jock Lindsey’s, and – for my first time ever – Homecomin.’
In between we joined the virtual queue for the now-famous Gideon’s Bakehouse, and after about an hour we were called back to pick out our treats. I grabbed some cookies I had expressly intended to buy, alongside a t-shirt and sticker I did not. But they had a black cat logo, and I love black cats!!! Their graphic designer certainly saw me coming. And now I own Gideon’s merch.

Other side quests included messing around in the Disney Style store, which has a lot of cute photo ops alongside clothes and such with pithy, meme-able sayings. So yeah, that store is weird. We also went to The Dress Shop in the Marketplace Co-Op of course, because you have to at least look at the current dresses on offering, even if they cost all the money in the world. Good resale value, though, I’ll give them that.
We considered topping off our bar crawl with a stop at the Coca-Cola rooftop bar, but ultimately decided it would probably be best if we cut it off at Homecomin’ (that moonshine is strong). Still, we weren’t quite done for the night, because I had a remaining objective: face soap and solid shampoo from Basin. They were limiting the number of people in the store at a time, but the line moved quickly and I was able to pick up my toiletries. Becky even got one of those cute layered choose-your-own bath salt tubes. If only I had a bathtub!
A final trip through the World of Disney Store was proposed, but the social distancing line for that was CRAZY. At like 10pm! People NEED their souvenirs. Ourselves, we found plenty of other places to buy things, so we did the responsible thing and took the bus back to Pop. Then we did the less responsible thing and drank some of that France wine before bed. As Disney Style would no doubt print on a t-shirt, YOLO.
We’re not done yet! Next up: we go to the BEST park.
Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email See ya real soon!
Can we please be back now?? Especially back to Homecomin'!
I am 1000000000% in!!! Homecomin' was the BEST.