Hello from OBX! (That’s the Outer Banks to you purists.)
Yesterday morning I completed my first long run outside of Puerto Rico in literal months and my God, did you know that in North Carolina it gets almost CHILLY at NIGHT? And that there’s a BREEZE and the HUMIDITY isn’t 8,000 PERCENT??? What a delight! I like to think all my hot weather training is going to convert into faster times in cooler climes, but it’s nice to turn down the heat a bit now and again.
The only downside to pointing due north is that the sunrise is later, so I couldn’t get quite as early a start as I would’ve liked (there aren’t lights on the roads down here or sidewalks either, so visibility is important. Always run against traffic!). But I was still able to pop out a practice half with comparative ease.

I started by hanging left off our beach house and running down to Lee Robinson’s General Store, a distance of about 4 miles. If you’re ever in the Cape Hatteras area, definitely pop in there and get some chocolate peanut butter fudge and Blenheim ginger ale, but as they weren’t open yet I was sadly unable.
Then I turned around and ran back to the house, where I swapped in a fresh bottle of water and finished my 13.1. I passed a couple of pro-Trump signs during this portion of the run – it’s the south, after all – but I flipped them all off for my own cathartic purposes. Please vote Biden so poor Ruth Bader Ginsburg can retire, okay?
One of these days I should really try running on the beach again, but the flat, fast roads are so hard to resist!
Do you run on vacation?
Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email fairestrunofall@gmail.com. See ya real soon!
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