In Which Jenn Has A New runDisney Race Registration Strategy

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I’m gonna cut right to the chase here: my new runDisney race strategy is that I’m registering for ALL OF THEM.

I took the Annual Passholder route last week to register for the WDW Marathon early, because it is my One True Race.


Luckily, the marathon is the least popular of the races/challenges of that weekend, so I had no trouble getting in, but every other race opportunity sold out quickly. I’m hearing COVID-19’s got Disney putting a lower cap on the totals, so for all of you gunning for a registration tomorrow, I wish you good hunting.

More abnormally, I also plan to register for the Princess Half, and probably Rivals too. Heck, maybe even Wine & Dine; Pat accidentally broke one of my Food & Wine Festival wine glasses last week and I told him he owes me a trip to get new ones. ;P

I’m just worried that if another race weekend gets cancelled, by the time we find out the next available race will already be sold out. And I already felt that acute sting when I was unable to pivot from Rivals to Wine & Dine this year. (Assuming that one doesn’t get cancelled too; fingers crossed for you guys!)

Race cancellations aren’t fun for anyone – I certainly don’t begrudge the person at the top who has to make the dreaded decision – but as long as I know I’ve got something on the horizon, I won’t sink too heavily into the doldrums. I’ll have to spread my budget across shorter, less ambitious trips and maybe skip a race the next year, but I can make it work. Who wants to split a hotel room with me? 😀

Incidentally, I still think runDisney should respond to the void (ha!) left by Rivals by reinstating the Tower of Terror 10 Miler. Anyone? Anyone?

What’s your runDisney strategy for the coming year?

Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email fairestrunofall@gmail.comSee ya real soon!


  1. I support this plan! 😉 I'll be at the 10k and half for marathon weekend and plan to register for Princess as well! And I would LOVE to see ToT 10 miler come back, that was probably my favorite Disney race I've done.

  2. They should totally bring back ToT! I get why they don't want to mess with the Everest one – it sounds headache-inducingly complex – but ToT wouldn't be too tough. OOH, idea – what if it was the weekend before W&D? We could all stay for both!

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