I come from Maryland, where individual counties set liquor laws, and most of those counties are run by puritans. Most grocery stores can’t even sell beer and wine, let alone liquor, and you’re sure as hell not going to find it in, say, a fast food place.
So every time I leave Maryland and see alcohol sold in anything less than a dedicated store, I am taken aback. I am so sheltered in this area I am taken aback by the beer in the grab-n-go cases of the MCO airport terminals.
And I certainly wasn’t prepared for Puerto Rico. You can get beer and wine and even liquor everywhere. Grocery stores, sure, but also the drug store and the gas station and ALL the restaurants. All of them!
Where was I going with this? Oh, right. I’ve been pleased to find that the beer selection here has been working very well for me. In addition to having an excellent brewery in walking distance, there’s Abita Purple Haze everywhere I could hope to find it. I’ve loved Purple Haze ever since I tried it during a beer 5K. (Well, roughly a 5K. I THINK we were supposed to run three loops of the course, but by the end it was just a leisurely stroll from beer tent to beer tent in as many loops as we wanted.)
What else do they have on the regular? See if you can spot it:

I’ll give you a hint: top toward the left.
That’s right. SCHOFFERHOFFER. GRAPEFRUIT. BEER. They have it in bottles. And they have it ON TAP!!!!!
Sure, it’s not an all-the-time beer. It’s hardly even beer; I think the ABV is like 2.5%. But it’s also basically pouring liquid Epcot into a pint glass. And I dig that. I dig that hard.
Epcot, I miss you. Until we meet again, I’ll drink you down.
Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email fairestrunofall@gmail.com. See ya real soon!