Ummmmm… Change Of Plans, Guys

Goofy Challenge


You may recall how last week I was all, hey! I signed up for the WDW Marathon! Duh!

You may also recall how a couple months ago I was like, runDisney challenges aren’t for me, man.

And if you read that post, you may further remember that I rather prophetically noted that this mandate would likely go out the window the second someone suggested I do a challenge with them.

Which leads me to a couple days ago, when Erika (remember Erika?) texted me to ask if I was doing the WDW Marathon next year. Of course, I said.

Well, she said, do I recommend she do the half or the full? I said that she should do whatever makes her feel most excited.

And then I STUPIDLY added, if you the half, I’ll probably sign up for that too, ha ha!

And then she said, oh, if you do both, I’ll do both too!

And then, like an idiot, I sent her the link to the Goofy Challenge.

Moving it along: the next day she sends me a screenshot of her Goofy registration, I write runDisney and ask to transfer, they tell me how (I’ll explain later), and bang zoom, I’m registered for Goofy.

I’ve been Dopey before, so I know I can do it. And it’s practically fiscally responsible, right? I mean, with Erika sharing my room, I get half my money back there. Logic!

So anyway, I’ll see you bright and hellishly early on the mornings of January 11 and 12 for the WDW half and full marathons. Remember, once you’re awake the hard part is over!

Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email fairestrunofall@gmail.comSee ya real soon!

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