If I were asked to pick a single word to describe the WDW Marathon, I would go with this: AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN!
All of which is to say that I had a great weekend, weather notwithstanding, and can’t wait to get started on my trip report and race recap!
Before we get there, some housekeeping in the form of last week’s workouts:
Sunday | rest
Monday | ran 7.15 miles on the treadmill in 1:15
Tuesday | 70 minute ballet class
Wednesday | ran 5.26 miles on the treadmill in 60 minutes; walked 3.22 miles outside in 55 minutes
Normally I prefer to walk on non-running days but this was the only semi-decent weather we got and I chose to take advantage of it.
Thursday | rest
I was going to go to ballet but snow was predicted around the time I would be getting out and I didn’t want to risk another 7-hour beltway trip. Figured a rest day before a marathon wasn’t such a terrible call.
Friday | ran 4.21 miles on the treadmill in 50 minutes
Saturday | according to my phone I walked 9.6 miles
WDW! Flew down for the marathon this day. I was staying at Pop and saw lots of runners getting their half in, cancellation or no. Of course, said cancellation meant the expo was AWFUL, even by runDisney standards. Getting my bib wasn’t too bad since I was only signed up for the marathon anyway, but the vendor area was a mad scene. I took two steps into the official race merch area, said the hell with it, and walked out.
As far as I can tell, Disney handled the cancellation of the half very well, with the sole exception of requiring people to come back to the expo to pick up their reimbursements. I understand you could have them sent to you too if applicable, but with 1500 extra people vying for marathon bibs combined with people who wanted their free tickets or gift card ASAP, it made for a very tight squeeze – and some terrible traffic.
Not that anyone saw this coming; I’m sure all decisions about recompense, distribution, etc., were made in haste. Hopefully next time (although knock on wood there never is a next time!) there will be a backup plan already in place including alternative pickup areas and options.
Let me add, too, that I am extremely inspired by all you half marathoners, Goofys, and Dopeys who went out and ran those miles on your own. The runDisney community is full of positive, determined people and as a group you handled a sad situation beautifully.

Like I said, stay tuned for my recaps. In the meantime, roundup! (Short one this week since I’ve been away; let me know if there are any posts out there you think would be of particular interest!)
– Elbowglitter runs in the cold. Gee, I wonder what that’s like…
– Fairytales & Fitness spins a list of race cancellations.
– I Run for Wine talks about the makeshift “Lightning McQueen Half.”
– A Pinch of Pixie Dust has a princess lunch at Akershus.
– Parkeology is clearly about as enthused about the new Avatar area as I am.
Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email fairestrunofall@gmail.com. See ya real soon!