Now we come to the most exciting portion of my Walt Disney World photo album audit (previously: First Photos and Last Photos). This time around I’m picking out my favorite photo from each collection – and as you might imagine, it was tough! Sometimes a pic would jump out at me; other times I had to really think and compare. Since the selection was subjective, I can’t guarantee I would be the same choices a year – or, hell, even a day – later. (I’ve already changed my mind twice.) But here’s what I decided upon this time around.
Apologies for the quality on these; being from the oldest trips, I don’t know where the originals are anymore.

The year: 2008
The companion(s): Moon, Elizabeth, and mutual friend Megan
The title of the album: Who’s the leader of the club that’s made for you and me?
The why: This extremely sub-par, old-camera, bad-lighting photo was my desktop background for the longest time simply because it was a picture of the Magic Kingdom from the ferry and I took it myself. Such is the great power of nostalgia.

The year: 2008
The companion(s): Moon
The title of the album: Second star to the right and straight on ’til morning
The why: The spirit of Norvay has alvays been and vill alvways be adventure.

The year: 2009
The companion(s): Unofficial Guide people
The title of the album: Por favor mantengase alejado de las puertas
The why: To me, this moment – where Donald Duck grabbed a random lady from the crowd and danced with her to the sound of a live, authentic mariachi band – is what WDW is all about.

The year: 2009
The companion(s): My grad school friend Diana and her sisters
The title of the album: Practically perfect in every way
The why: Pre-parade balloon vendor under a setting sun – quintessential Disney.

The year: 2010
The companion(s): Elizabeth
The title of the album: it’s a small world after all
The why: Jasper the porcupine was part of our best day at DAK ever.

The year: 2011
The companion(s): My ex-boyfriend
The title of the album: Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom
The why: Oh, God, guys. It was so hard to choose the best one. But eventually I landed on this shot, because Galahad an appointment to get to. (I really miss these guys.)

The year: 2012
The companion(s): Elizabeth
The title of the album: A magical kingdom with lots of witnesses and great security (yeah Burn Notice!)
The why: Oh, right! This was the year we were down for the WDW Marathon without meaning to be! (When will then be now? Soon!)

The year: 2012
The companion(s): Sometimes my cousin and his friend, sometimes random people, sometimes just myself!
The title of the album: There’s a great big beautiful tomorrow
The why: Simple. Basic. Gives me the warm fuzzies.
2013-2016 are up next!
Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email See ya real soon!
Now I can't get the COP song out of my head…….