Hey, so, know how I’m running the Marine Corps Marathon for the Diabetes Action Team? That’s ’cause I didn’t make the lottery, and that’s ’cause… I didn’t enter it.
See, I looked back over my training for last year’s MCM and found a sticking point in the 20 mile run. I just… didn’t feel like going through that training cycle. I did my 20 miler on the treadmill, which was actually fine for me. But I’m at a new gym now that would require restarting the treadmill like three times to get my mileage, and while that distinction is arbitrary I didn’t like the idea of all that pausing. And I certainly didn’t want to try to organize an outdoor 20 miler for myself, what with all the water and gels I’d have to haul with me. I hit a mental block regarding that fateful training day.
So I didn’t enter the lottery because I didn’t feel like putting in the work, more or less. But! Then I came across the National Capital 20 Miler, with a start line a mere 20 minute drive from my apartment. Rather than a training run I had to organize myself, this was a race – with water stops and port-a-potties at regular intervals and everything! I mean, it practically performed the training run for me… assuming, of course, I had a MCM bib. Which I did not.

Which brings me to the bit you already know: I’m running MCM through the Diabetes Action Team (and if you’re feeling hyper-generous at the moment I wouldn’t be sad if you threw a five spot at my donation page :D). The twenty mile practice run is one month before the marathon, so that’s all set. Awesome.
But wait! There’s more! I recently learned about the Parks Half Marathon, with a course that runs through the local parks in my area. This one starts one town away and ends within, max, a 15 minute walk from my apartment. AND it’s two weeks before the 20 miler, so great training for that. Pow!
Icing on the cake*: two weeks before the Parks Half, I’ll be spending the week at the beach. I do intend to run there but not a whole lot. Tapering: also done for me!
There you have it: my MCM training, provided by other people.
How carefully do you organize your race schedule?
* I hope there’s cake at the finish line.
Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email fairestrunofall@gmail.com. See ya real soon!
It's like they just KNEW. Like Disney MAGIC.
Which reminds me: SEE YOU AT WINE AND DINE!