JENN: How was your post-Cherry Blossom week? Do any running?
MOON: It was oooookay. I ran maybe 20-25 miles? I had a nice run yesterday in Druid Hill Park. Too bad the zoo was not open. :/ How was your week?
JENN: It was okay. I actually ended up taking Tuesday off from running. I just wasn’t feeling it and I think every once and awhile that’s okay.
MOON: Sure, of course you can take a day off.
JENN: I made up for it on Thursday with my first outdoor training run of the year! It was… fine. I was a little faster than has sometimes been the case, but it’s still much slower going. Hills, man. The good news is that by consequence when you set me loose on a relatively flat race course it seems easy!
I will say, though, that running outdoors is much more demanding on the muscles. I’m going to need to ease into doing that regularly. The fronts of my lower legs and feet were sore afterward.
MOON: Same. Yesterday’s run was almost a straight 2-mile hill. Going back was greeeat, but I really drained myself in the beginning. We should plan a date for the Airport loop (this time we will actually run the loop >_>… and not into Glen Burnie).
JENN: Definitely! Put any more thought into running the WDW Marathon?
MOON: Actually, I was thinking about it yesterday… Christian thinks I should definitely run a marathon.. I would like to do it… I think I’ve got a good momentum going now and can definitely see myself getting to 20 mile weekend runs in a few months.
So, I would rather not travel for a marathon, buuuuut that leaves me with a short list. Without ranting too much, the only race available to me is the Baltimore Marathon. So, option no. 1. Then again, I’ve run all over Baltimore and it’s not really that flat (yeah, I want to go easy on my first marathon, ha!) and it’s Baltimore. Not terribly exciting for me.
Option 2: WDW. Pros: Will be fun. Kind of know the track already. Weather will almost definitely be good. Cons: Cost. Must travel to get there.
But, my logic yesterday was: if anything can get you through a 26.2 mile run, it’s WDW.
JENN: That is very true! Although you do have the option of running the Marine Corps Marathon for a charity?
MOON: It might actually take me less time flying to FL than driving into DC from North Baltimore… So, if I have to travel into DC, I might as well go to FL.
JENN: Haha, maybe! Well, you’ve got until April 28 to decide!
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Maybe? |
While she’s pondering, check out the roundup.
– The Runner’s Guide to WDW shows you exactly what you get in the special Runner’s World Dopey package.
– Meanwhile, This Runner’s Trials ponders the Dopey Challenge itself.
– Elbowglitter delves thoughtfully into speed and competition and all that inevitable weirdness that comes with athletics.
– Through Heather’s Looking Glass gets honest about social media.
– Just Me & My Running Shoes offers a compendium of runDisney course signs.
– Healthy-ish dessert?! Eating WDW visit the new Erin McKenna Bakery in Disney Springs. (Or DTD, as it will forever be known in my head.)
– Parkeology lists hilariously awkward ways to hit the rides at WDW.
– Also hilarious: My Disney Addiction’s preliminary Disneyland trip recap.
Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email See ya real soon!