JENN: Did you run at all this week?
MOON: Ouiii. I’m actually a bit burned out
JENN: Awww. How are you burned out?
MOON: I’ve decided that I need to add strength training in again. The lower half of my body is pretty set, but I can’t tell you what a difference there is between my legs and my arms. XD Ultimately, I think this will help me run faster… Or at least give me the push I need to crank up the pace a bit.
JENN:Yeah, I was doing some upper body work for awhile there and just kinda wandered away from it. Maybe when you have awesome results I’ll be inspired!
MOON: How is your marathon prep going?
JENN: Marathon training is going well, I think? I hope? I knocked out my twenty-miler last week and it actually didn’t suck, so there’s that.
MOON: Yay! Any goals for the week?
JENN: Nothing big. I’ve begun tapering mode but I think I still have a week or two before I really slow it down. Just gonna keep my standard mileage for this week, MAYBE a little less. And then a little less than that, and then a little less than THAT, and then OH MY GOD MARATHON ACK.
MOON: I’m very excited for you!
JENN: Ee. I’m glad someone is! I am… very… something… for me. It’s definitely something.
Also definitely something: the roundup.
– Back at Square Zero extols the virtues of cats.
– The Adult Side of Disney analyzes the increasing insanity surrounding runDisney registration.
– Running Happily Ever After takes a look at the Disney 5K no one ever mentions.
– Jack Spence bids a fond farewell at AllEars – if you haven’t read back through his blog, I highly recommend it. Here’s hoping for guest posts!
– Will Run for Ears remembers the Maelstrom. Never forget.
– Going to WDW in November? ME TOO! The Disney Tourist Blog has tips for us.
– The Disney Blog reveals that Walt Disney did not care if you were gay. Hooray for progressive equality!
Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email See ya real soon!
Thanks for the shout out!!!
Sure thing!
Thanks so much for sharing my post:)
Of course! Also, KITTIES.
Call me butter because I'm on a round up roll! Woot woot! Thanks for the love!
Oh, and you are gonna ROCK the marathon! I mean, come on, you run 17 miles on a weekday just because!
Ha, just because if I don't it'll be worse for me later!
Have no fear, I think Jack will be back every so often. He always seems to. Like a really happy Disney dream.