JENN: First thing first! I’m dying to hear about this new Disney dream.
MOON: So… we were doing a 5K. But first! The setting: There was a city that was made into a Disney city of sorts. Forgive the vagueness. Dreams don’t make sense all the time. Certainly not mine.
We had Elizabeth with us. We were supposed to do this run, but there was another event happening in the city that day so it was pretty chaotic. There were so many people running that there were multiple running routes. Liz and I were supposed to start on the same one.
When you started the race you had to run backwards first, so off we went. Because everyone started at the same time from different places, I lost Liz early on. After getting lost within the first five minutes, the route looked like it went into the river… so in I went. For what it’s worth, there were others in the water, so I GUESS I did the right thing?
Okay, so then I keep swimming and then there is an uphill swim (how that happened… is beyond me). I get to the top and realize I don’t know which way to go. I’m trying to find the end because at this point I’ve been swimming for nearly 3 miles and I have this feeling I missed something.. I ask someone which way to go and after reaching the end I look for Liz and she’s all, “What took you so LONG?”
Our times are put up on a screen and I realize mine isn’t there, apparently I haven’t finished yet.
The remainder of the dream was running all over looking for the finish line. I apparently missed the end because I had to run through an audience watching a concert. Go figure. I’m not sure what this dream means.
JENN: That you need to enter another runDisney race. Duh. How’s the running thing otherwise? Get anything in last week?
MOON: Yeah, I’ve been running nearly every day. It’s been great! How has your running been progressing?
JENN: It hasn’t really been progressing… but it’s been happening. Slow and steady win the race, I hear, so I just hope it’s true.
MOON: That’s what counts, I suppose!
By the way, do you have any advice for calf pain? It’s from running. I’m pretty sure posture is okay. Shoes are okay.
JENN: Hmmm. Have you tried sleeves? I haven’t used them but I know a lot of people do.
MOON: I haven’t yet; perhaps I will give it a try. From what I’ve read I haven’t been totally convinced they do anything exactly.
JENN: Worth a shot, I suppose. Anyone out there have alternate ideas?
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Truth. |
While you’re pondering, here’s the roundup; small one this week ’cause I’m in Dallas for a conference. If you’ve got a post I should take a look at it, don’t be afraid to link it in the comments!
– MousePlanet shares the rules of the road…
– … And Running, Loving, Living shares the rules of the track.
– Running at Disney assesses runDisney versus NOT runDisney in Anaheim.
– Will Run for Ears has some stern words regarding Disney’s CrossFit competition.
Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email See ya real soon!
Wooden rolling pin and roll those calves like they're a pie crust.
Or at least this helps me.
Ha, Moon is indeed a very talented baker…