JENN: It’s time to break out the confetti and festive hats, because it’s our BLOGIVERSARY! The Fairest Run of All is one year old as of yesterday! (And we would’ve posted about that yesterday but it was Week In Review day and one must adhere to the schedule at all costs, no?) Read our first post here.
MOON: Wow!! No confetti, but I seriously just blew mustard all over my hand. Celebratory condiments.
JENN: Go ahead, ask me. Ask me what I’m going to do next.
MOON: What are you going to do next?!
JENN: I’M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD! … Like, in four months. But still.
So, now that we have a year of blogging behind us, do you have any reflections?
MOON: Reflection No. 1: Our last race was awesome
JENN: Our last race WAS awesome. So was our first.
MOON: Reflection No. 2: Last year I took a lengthy hiatus due to my mom’s illness. I’m glad to report that her health has improved a great deal
JENN: Yay! Myself, I’ve really enjoyed carving out a small space in the community of running bloggers, Disney bloggers, and the remarkably high number of people who are super into both.
MOON: I believe you’ve found your niche.
JENN: Hooray!
So anyway: thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read this blog. We hope you’ll stick around – there is much Disney and running to come.
Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email See ya real soon!
WOW, Happy one year girls!
Yay, thank you!
Yay!!! Congratulations! And it should go without saying (but here I am saying it) that I am excited to embark on further Disney and running adventures with you!
ME TOO! Half my motivational daydreams involve us accepting medals and drinking lapu lapus.
Congratulations! One year blogiversary is definitely "I'm going to Disney World" worthy! …even if it is in 4 months!
A long, long four months. I keep my AP in my wallet, though. JUST IN CASE.