Well. Perhaps not COMPLETELY planned out. I could maybe toss a couple 5Ks in there if something interesting pops up. But here’s the major race plan skeleton.
Item 1: I signed up for the Marine Corps 17.75K at Nicole‘s urging ’cause she was all THE MARINE CORPS MARATHON IS A LOTTERY THIS YEAR WE NEED THIS. See, if you finish the 17.75K, you get guaranteed entry to MCM. So I signed up – and then Nicole got shut out. Gulp. So… going this one alone. It’s on April 12, so SOON! Wish me luck. Or, as we say instead in the ballet world, merde. (Really. It’s what you say to a ballerina before she goes on. Look it up if you don’t believe me.)
(Item 1.5: There is a TINY chance that I may sneak into the Nike Women’s Half Marathon if the aforementioned Nicole informs me that there are slots available at the expo and I can swing that late a plan. We shall see. I am mostly doubtful.)
Item 2: Yeah… the Marine Corps Marathon. It will be my very first marathon. Nicole didn’t make the lottery. I’m all alone. I’m scared. But I once ran 22 miles on a treadmill, so I can do this, right?
Item 3: WINE AND DINE HALF MARATHON IN WALT DISNEY WORLD, KIDS. Oh, man, I am SO EXCITED FOR THIS TRIP. A bunch of blogger buddies are going in on a suite at Art of Animation and it is going to be magnificent. Nicole and Katherine will be running with me assuming they don’t get fed up with how slow I am and wander off! AND: my very first Food and Wine Festival. In the wise words of When Harry Met Sally: YES YES YES YES YES YES YES.
Bonus Item 4: Let’s peek into the very beginnings of 2015 with January’s Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend. Um… I don’t know why. I never thought I’d contemplate running a marathon by itself, let alone four races in a row. But I have decided to go Dopey. The super-awesome Katherine and Nicole will again be shepherding me through, and I’m confident that with their help I will not become all dead. Maybe mostly dead, but not all dead.* SIX MEDALS WHAT WHAT.
There you have it: my mostly-2014 race plan. I leave you with this image:
* But if I do die, you may go through my pockets and search for loose change.
Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email fairestrunofall@gmail.com. See ya real soon!
I'm just so happy that my name shows up so many times! THIS YEAR IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!
Also, there's apparently a volunteer get together for Nike 1/2 on April 10, and my first thought was, "If I go I can see if Jenn can get in…"
My next post will read simply "Nicole du Lancret" and then have an enormous photo of Angelica Huston being hilariously awesome. Either from the movie or from Captain EO; I can't decide.
What is a 17.75K, like 11 miles? What a strange distance. I mean, I guess all race distances are pretty arbitrary but that one is especially odd. Still! I AM ALSO V. EXCITED FOR NOVEMBER, OMG, AND INCREDIBLY NERVOUS ABOUT DOPEY. BUT WE CAN DO IT!!!
Yeah, it's just over 11 miles. 17.75 to honor the year our nation was chartered or something. 11 miles is my standard distance although not usually outside so we shall see!
November + January, one way or another, is going to be an AMAZING TIME. The bread pudding alone…
P.S. Draconian marshmallow poink.
Oh like the YEAR. I get it. Clever.
I'm still laughing about the "affront to god and man."
I love that Ever After reference in your first comment haha. Good luck with the 17.75k – I'm sure you'll do great! I'm also very excited for Wine and Dine, but it seems so far away! I can't take it.
OK, first of all, hats off for the Princess Bride references! Because, well, that movie is the best. Ummm, HOW HAVE YOU NOT DONE WINE & DINE BEFORE?!?!?! It is the best half marathon ever! And November will be awesome, one giant blogger party! Woohoo! And good for you for doing Dopey! I'm a slacker and doing Goofy, but in all fairness, that will be my first marathon…which btw, you will totally rock MCM! I mean ESPECIALLY if you can do 22 miles on a boring shoot me now treadmill, you got this!
Awww, thanks so much! See you at W&D?
It's gonna be awesome, guaranteed!
Super jealous of your race calendar!
It looks amazing! Good luck with tackling the marathon distance–though if you have done 22, it's not hard to do an extra 4.2 to finish a full. 
Super jealous of your ToT entry! Someday we are bound to cross race paths.
If you ran 22 miles on a treadmill I am 100% sure you can do MCM. My favorite race ever.
Yay! Running this year? I can wave as you pass me!
Definitely! That's where the party's at!
Awesome race calendar! I'm totally not ready for a full, much less Goofy or Dopey, but I'm planning to sign up for the WDW 10k and actually race it. No character stops, no potty breaks, no photos.. Hope to get to say hi at Wine & Dine (my favorite runDisney race so far!!)
I'm so excited to meet tons of bloggers at Wine and Dine!