The Fairest Week in Review: 9/16

Running wild

Moon can’t make it today, but – IT’S HER BIRTHDAY! WEEEEEE!!! Everybody wish her a happy one! šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€ D

Glorious. Okay. Training last week. It started out well – on Sunday I knocked out a 16 miler at decent speeds. Unfortunately my Tuesday run was rough and my Thursday run was even rougher. I couldn’t figure out what went wrong until after the Thursday run when I realized that my bit of a cough and slight soreness of throat added up to a cold. Not a severe one – I’m already almost over it – but just enough sickness to throw me off my game. Ah well. Better now than when I run my half in two weeks!

I also ran the Color in Motion 5K on Saturday morning, which was unfortunately rendered less enjoyable by the aforementioned cold, among other things. More on that tomorrow!


Wanted to give a quick shout-out to sports headphone maker Yurbuds. I bought a new pair a few weeks ago; when I plugged them into my iPod before my run on Thursday, the left ear shorted out (I spent the entire run dejectedly watching bad TV; there is NOTHING GOOD on after The Daily Show. What is up with that?). The instruction booklet asks that you please contact the company before making any returns, so I figured what the heck. I emailed customer service, and within 24 hours I had a response. They’re sending me a new pair in the mail, no problem. ETA is 5 to 7 days, so if you experience a similar problem and need a new pair fast, I recommend you just take your earbuds back to the store regardless of the booklet’s request. If you’ve got the time, though, the Yurbuds people are very nice and helpful. So there you are!

My music was consequently The Daily Show and everything that come on afterward (ehhh).

Okay! Roundup!

– MORE Disneyland Half weekend coverage – Pumpkin to Princess! Prairie Princess Runners! MousePlanet! Live Laugh Eat Run!
My Glass Sneaker shows us how to get into a sold out Disney race, legit.
Margaritas, Miles & the Mouse understands the terror that those nice pacer people can create.
Eating WDW reviews one of my favorite meals at one of my favorite counter service restaurants – the Lighthouse Sandwich at Columbia Harbor House. Take it upstairs and eat by a second story window; wonderful views!
– Speaking of awesome Disney food and drink consumption, Beers and Ears drinks around the World Showcase with beer only. I appreciate the commitment to the theme.

Don’t forget, you canĀ follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofallĀ andĀ on InstagramĀ @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or emailĀĀ See ya real soon!


  1. I always see people going to the RFK runs on the metro but is it just running around the parking lot? I know there's an access road back there that's trail like but the courses always look like they're just parking lot.

  2. It was just the parking lot, barring a portion where we ran up to the stadium itself and past a few gates. Not super exciting scenery, I must admit. I was briefly pondering the zombie run that's being held there next month but I'm dubious as to whether it would be worth the price…

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