The Fairest Week in Review: 8/19

Riker runs

Hi guys! Still me for the time being, I’m afraid. Moon’s mom is still having medical issues so I’m holding down the fort. She does tell me she managed to sneak in a 1.25 mile run, so girl is keeping it going. Send good vibes her way! 🙂

Okay, let’s see. My training this week went fine, except for the part where I flew off the treadmill, but really that was fine too. Although now I’m kicking myself for not titling that post “You Can Fly, You Can Fly, You Can Fly Off the Treadmill.” Wasted opportunity!

It’s been unseasonably cool in the DC area, and while I always have trouble letting go of summer warmth I must admit it does make running easier. I’m actually rather excited to see if I can improve my times in inverse proportion to the temperature. Maybe I can learn to love autumn? (Answer: no.)

Let’s see, what else? Music! One of the songs I unexpectedly found rather enjoyably distracting this week was “Poor Unfortunate Souls” from The Little Mermaid. Y’know, when I was a little kid I was afraid of Ursula, but I now consider her to be pretty much the best part of the movie. I’ve noticed that shift in a lot of Disney movies – Scar? AWESOME. Cruella deVille? HILARIOUS. Gaston? As a specimen, yes, he’s intimidating, but he makes me laugh all the same. Plus they seem to get all the best songs. Has anyone else experienced this change of heart?

And DON’T underestimate the importance of body language.

Related bragging point: I once saw a production of Thornton Wilder’s amazing play Our Town wherein Ursula voice actress Pat Carroll played the Stage Manager. Life highlight!

But back to the whole runDisney thing: I encountered something I found a bit odd the other day while surfing eBay; I decided to search “Princess Half Marathon 2013” just to see if any t-shirts or what have you popped up. I didn’t see anything I wanted, but I did find quite a few medals for sale. The only reason I can think of why one would reasonably wish to purchase a medal would be that one had lost their own. Do people actually buy medals for races they haven’t run? If so, that’s just silly!

Hopefully Moon will be back soon, but if it turns out you’re stuck with me much longer I at least have some reviews lined up for you, including Clif shots, Honey Stinger chews, and some legitimately tasty coconut water.

Blog roundup, take us out!

The Runner’s Guide to WDW and Half Crazy Mama have recaps of the D23 fun run for you.
– Just Me and My Running Shoes offers a rundown of the various meetups going on at the Disneyland Half Marathon.
Betsy of On the Go in MCO shows us that being DFL is ultimately a story of success!
Back at Square Zero has started a great discussion on whether or not marathons should be more exclusive. Weigh in!
Over at Through Heather’s Looking Glass you can get some great first-timer tips on running the Disneyland Half.
Elbowglitter discusses the implications of being a larger runner/triathlete.
– And finally, on the purely Disney parks tip, Nerds in Wonderland offers first impressions of MyMagic+.

Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email fairestrunofall@gmail.comSee ya real soon!


  1. Thanks for including me in the roundup! :0) I know what you mean about medals on eBay….I earned that sucker, it's not going anywhere but around my neck (and my medal hanger once I return home). :0)

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