In Which Jenn Discusses the “Fine, Don’t Come” Mentality

Cinderella Castle

Story time!

Store 1: Once I was standing in the kitchenette of my former place of employment when two other employees came in. One mentioned something about Walt Disney World, and the other began a long rant about why he hated the place – the crowds, the lines, the prices: you know, the classics. And he seemed so PROUD of himself when he said it, like he had cracked some sort of code or something. The secret to happiness is to simply not go to Walt Disney World. Now go forth and enjoy life, good people!

I kept my mouth shut that time, as I generally do when dealing with people I don’t know terribly well, but it’s not the first time I’ve heard and overheard anti-WDW orations. In some cases where I feel I can, such as with my parents, I argue. Other times I just sidestep any confrontation with a gentle “Maybe you’re right, but I still love it.” Regardless, it kinda hurts my heart, you know? Maybe I shouldn’t care so much – it’s not like WDW is a matter of life or death as a rule – but I love being there so much that it stings to hear people declare its inferiority.

Story 2: At least it did, or at least stung a lot worse, until May of 2012. I had an annual pass that was expiring shortly and, when none of my friends had the time or inclination to go with me, I decided to take a solo trip, because why not?

On the second day, I was waiting around in Epcot for an Off Kilter performance when it started POURING rain. I asked a group nearby if I could share their umbrella’d bench, and not only did they say yes, they sort of adopted me for the evening. The Off Kilter show was canceled due to weather, so when the rain stopped shortly after (naturally) we all headed over to the UK pavilion for the British rock show, and then to Tutto Gusto for some wine and cheese and general awesomeness. It is so much easier to make friends at WDW!

The hero of this story is on the left. I think the waiter is into him.

Our conversation at Tutto Gusto, while varied, kept circling back to how much we loved WDW,  because what else are a bunch of childless adults with annual passes and Tables in Wonderland cards going to talk about? Which is when one of the guys said this:

“I used to be bothered when people said they didn’t like Walt Disney World. But now whenever someone tells me about how stupid they find it, I say: Fine. Don’t come. We don’t want you here. Because you’re the guy who’s standing in front of me in line for a beer. You’re the person in my way during the fireworks. You’re the one between me and my favorite ride. And you’re not even enjoying yourself? The more people like you who stay away, the less crowded it is for me!”

On the one hand, it feels a little harsh, no? WDW is supposed to be for everyone, supposed to be inclusive. Which is why, when given the chance, I will try to turn a non-believer into a WDW-lover every time. I will argue to the death for it; I will insist to the end that if only the hater would just come to the parks with me, I could show them what they’re missing.

But in those cases where I’m overhearing a stranger on the Metro talking about how much WDW sucks, I have to admit – it helps to think to myself, fine. Don’t come. We don’t want you there anyway.


Moon should be back next post. 🙂

Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email fairestrunofall@gmail.comSee ya real soon!


  1. Wow- what a great post! What I find more frustrating than anything is hearing complaints while I'm in the park. Just the other day, the group behind me for Kilimanjaro Safaris was going on and on about how much better of a park Universal is. It so saddens me when park guests aren't appreciating the incredible detail, theming, and magic around them. In that respect, the "Fine, Don't Come" approach works out quite well. I just wish the cynics saw it that way, too.

  2. Universal… better… than WDW? Psh. I've been to both and while Universal is quite well done – especially, of course, the Harry Potter areas – the themeing and general aura of magic simply does not compare. But hey, if they go to Universal that's one less group in the way when you're trying to get on the safari. 🙂

  3. It's the self-righteous attitude that kills me, like they need to educate me on how much cooler they are because they hate Disney World. My mother is one of those people, and she insisted on coming to Disneyland with me only to make me MISERABLE the entire time. My best time was in the park alone…. and then she showed up.

  4. I don't even know where to start with this one. It's is a definite balance when the one you live with despises all things Mouse, but since they said the vows, they suck it up anyway, so you do your best to make it enjoyable for them because they are "sacrificing" to be there for you. It just makes my head and my heart hurt. Just stand in one place for one minute and take in all that's around you. There's SO much in the details that so many people miss, thereby missing the great stuff that makes WDW so amazing.

  5. I totally agree with this attitude! For me something tough to deal with right now is not just people who don't care for it, but outwardly chastising me for going too often. I've been called spoiled, selfish, narcissistic, and out of touch with reality (along with a slew of more inappropriate things). And that hurts.

  6. Dang! That's some cold stuff. If you will forgive my saying so as I don't know how important these people are to you: sounds like you're dealing with jerks no matter where you choose to travel. :/

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