.JENN: Are you done with your running for the week?
MOON: Yes! Well, as long as Sunday is the first day of the new week, that is.
JENN: I consider it to be so. In this way dailymile and I differ, but I just mentally make adjustments. How was it for you, running-wise?
MOON: I experimented with my diet and speed. It went pretty well, although my ankle was bothering me. How was yours?
JENN: Surprisingly good! I shaved two minutes off my 13.1 mile record, and then I did the same two days later. I’ve started adding a “speed minute” out of every five and it works surprisingly well.
Learn anything interesting in your experimentation?
MOON: Yes. Being a pescetarian makes a lot of running difficult. I am MOSTLY vegetarian. I do not eat fish often, but if I do not eat fish, I rarely get enough protein in my regular diet.
I’ve been eating fish every day this week and I do feel a difference. I have more energy and now that it’s been about a week, I do not feel that I would necessarily require a gap day between runs.
JENN: That’s awesome! This is what makes sushi so great.
MOON: Thank God for sushi.
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Sushi (among other things) from Tokyo Dining in the Japan pavilion. |
JENN: Any interest songs come into your running playlist rotation this week?
MOON: I’ve been listening to a band called Wild Beasts, and for my longer runs, I’ve been listening to the Well Tempered Clavier. I like thinking about theory when I run, it keeps me distracted! You?
JENN: On a whim a couple days ago, I checked the iTunes store to see if they were offering anything as a free download. I came away with “Un Dia de Sol” by Los Claxons, and I actually quite like it. It’s half in English and half in Spanish and all in a sort of sunny alt-rock-pop that reminds me of good ol’ Jukebox the Ghost. There’s a little more depth there. For both, I mean.
MOON: Very cool! I haven’t downloaded many of the free downloads from iTunes lately, but a few years ago when I would check back every week, I usually liked the selections.
JENN: How crazy is it that the Tinkerbell Half sold out in two days? If that had happened to the Princess last year we never would’ve made it.
MOON: Wow. Well, it’s much smaller, right?
JENN: It’s also interesting that the 10K DIDN’T sell out. The 10Ks they added to the WDW Marathon and Princess weekends did, but I think they were probably snapped up by those doing the “challenge” of both the 10K and half. runDisney isn’t formally offering a challenge for Tink; I guess that makes the proposition far less tempting.
MOON: I would do a 10K as part of the challenge, but I’m not sure I would travel across the United States to just run 10K. So, I can see why the 10k wouldn’t sell out as fast
JENN: Yeah, if they’d offered a challenge I would’ve pondered it, because I’m easily manipulated like that… we can talk about it for the Wine and Dine next year if it comes to that. But I’m REALLY glad we registered within the first hour. Whew!
MOON: Me too!
JENN: To wrap this up, here are some interesting tidbits we collected on the web this week:
– Over at Food Fitness Fantasy, Katherine took a close look at The Hall of Presidents. Moon LOVES The Hall of President. We did it twice last trip.
– Amy of Pumpkin to Princess is offering a pretty amazing runDisney-themed raffle for a great cause.
– Running advice for beginners is usually pretty unoriginal, but this list from Women’s Health magazine is unexpectedly good!
Normally I would make this list longer, but I’m on a borrowed laptop that is so slow it makes me feel like I somehow tripped and landed in 1994. So until next week!
Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email fairestrunofall@gmail.com. See ya real soon!
Thanks for the shoutout! I liked that Women's Health link too. It's nice to see something beyond the same 10 "beginner's tips." I was also really surprised to see that the Tinker Bell 10K didn't sell out right away. I was on the fence about registering for the Walt Disney World 10K in January — I wanted to do an inaugural race, but I wasn't sure if it was worth it two days before the marathon, if I even was going to do the marathon — but it was almost full after just a few hours of registration being open, so I leaped on it! I thought maybe the 10K seemed like a more attainable distance for a lot of people. Crazy stuff.
Ooh, I can't wait to read the recap! I'm sure we'll want to add a 10K at some point, but when flying cross country I think we'll really appreciate the rest day before the half. You're not going Dopey, are you?