In Which We Register for the Tinker Bell Half

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Hi there! We were at our respective jobs when the Tinker Bell Half opened for registration today at noon. That meant 30 miles between us. So we did the only logical thing – we hopped on GChat and talked ourselves through registration! Are you registered yet? We’re SO EXCITED! Especially because we’ll be seeing Disneyland for the first time in a very unique way… read on for more!

JENN: Ready?

MOON: I’m all set.

JENN: Awesome. You know how to get to registration?

MOON: Nope! Show me, great leader.

JENN: Go to Then select the Tinker Bell Half Marathon – actually, hold on. Go here:

You may need to make an account. Let me know when you’re in.

Maybe we should get some wings…

MOON: Okay, I’m on. Select TB half?

JENN: You’re registered to Active already and everything? Nice!

MOON: I’m quick! Just like the race will be 😀



JENN: Okay, let me know when you’re past the waiver. It gets much more interesting once you’re past the waiver.

MOON: Okay, I’m on the next page.

JENN: Awesome. Info fill out time! Woo! I think for the Princess we got small tech shirts? But these are apparently long-sleeved, so I think I’m going to go medium… I don’t like tight sleeves. I bet I can ask to swap sizes if I guessed wrong.

MOON: I’d assume so.

JENN: What do you want to say for anticipated finish time? Yesterday I did 13.1 in 2:15! 😀

MOON: Wow!! Nice!

JENN: And then my legs were sad. But still.

MOON: 2:30 in the event of traffic? I did 6 miles. 😀 I’ve done 6 miles twice in a row, hoping to keep up with it.

JENN: The only thing that worries me is that by erring on the side of more time we invite the possibility of yet MORE traffic in front of us… On the other hand, I don’t want to overshoot.

MOON: I figured with our previous proof of time, we don’t want to go too far off it in case they cross examine the two? Maybe 2:20?

I suppose so.

MOON: I figure most people in corrals B and C are probably around there.

JENN: 2:20 sounds good. Let’s do that.

MOON: Okay. Do you happen to know our time from the last race?

JENN: Yeah, I still have the texts in my phone [You can set it up so that your split times are texted to you as you run]. One sec.

Feb 24
2:51:47 [We will explain why we think we can go so much faster this time when we recap the Princess. Stay tuned!]

MOON: What about the commemorative stuff? Are we doing team?

JENN: I vote yes! I know you want a sash.

Like these!

As for the other stuff, I got the Princess necklace on eBay for $12. This is merely a notation and not a guarantee that anyone will be selling the Tinker Bell necklaces… but there were a good five or six Princess necklaces on eBay when I looked.

MOON: I don’t think I’m buying them because we get a sash.

JENN: Indeed. We might be able to buy it there if we really like it anyway. I can’t remember if it was an exclusive pre-order.

MOON: Maybe if we did the MFing marathon

JENN: Oh, I’m buying ALL THE THINGS for the marathon. Oh, hey, the final registration page. I was waiting for it to ask me my favorite princess so I could get all up in arms about the lack of my beloved Mulan, but they didn’t, so I guess I’ll have to save that for the next Princess event.

MOON: Ha! Okay, I’m all done.

JENN: Me too!

MOON: Woo!

Now I’m teaming us! [Teams register separately and then register their team for an additional fee now.] As much as I enjoyed being Team ALLONS-Y! at the Princess, let’s be this time, because now we are awesome. Or something.

MOON: Ha, okay!

JENN: We’re teamed!

MOON: Yay!

JENN: Okay, now let’s talk about the amazing thing we realized!

But first, a story. My family accompanied my mother on a business trip in… I think it was 2002? And one day while my mom was off business-ing, my dad and brother and I went up to Disneyland.

We went to purchase tickets to Disneyland proper, but the cast member in the ticket booth convinced us that, because there was a Music in the Parks event going on, we were better off going to Disney’s California Adventure, which was still in its infancy.

We agreed to this, because how should we know that baby DCA was generally considered wildly inferior and Disney was trying to push people through its gates any way it could? So we went to DCA, and… um. It was crowded anyway. The freakin’ roller coaster WASN’T WORKING. You know what was there? That weird limo dark ride where you’re supposed to be hunting celebrities with Joan Rivers. It was just… no.

Now, I’m excited to go again because wonderful, wonderful things have happened in the decade or so since and DCA is now considered a full-fledged member of the Disney park pantheon. And in a weird way, I’m happy that we didn’t go to Disneyland, because it allows this:

Our plan is to fly in the Friday before the race, sleep in Saturday, hit the expo, maybe take a swim, and go to bed.

Moon has never been to Disneyland. I have never been to Disneyland.

And that means the very step we take in Disneyland will be a running step.

The very first time we head down Main Street, USA, we will be running down Main Street, USA.

And the very first time we see Sleeping Beauty castle, we will be running toward it. And then through it!

MOON: The levels of glory are stacking pretty high. Especially since this is our second go at a Disney event. So we will definitely have to run the Marathon weekend in 2015

JENN: Wonderful things are afoot. I said aFOOT.

MOON: HA. Ha. Ha.

JENN: Thank you. Thank you.


Yay! Tinker Bell Half secured! We’ll delve deeper into our plans for the trip as time progresses. For now, we’re happy just to be registered – we hear registration is over 50% full already! 

Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email fairestrunofall@gmail.comSee ya real soon!

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