Since we’re new around these here internet parts, we thought it would be good to tell you more about us. Yes, we mean you, specifically. In the interest of full disclosure, we should note that we ganked this survey from Katherine over at Food Fitness Fantasy. Maybe she won’t notice it’s gone?
JENN: Ready for some survey madness?
MOON: Yesssss.
JENN: Okay, first question! Year you ran your first mile without walking: Um… did we run a full mile in elementary school? Was the Turkey Trot more than a mile? [We went to elementary school together. And middle. And high. And undergrad. The Complete Set.]
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Bestest friends foreverest. |
MOON: I think it was one mile exactly, but did you actually run the entire thing?
JENN: Probably not. All I really remember about the Turkey Trot was that we had one.
MOON: I know I didn’t! I walked with friends.
JENN: And I think the winner got a turkey. And the same girl always won.
MOON: Yes. And I had no desire for a turkey, therefore no incentive to run.
JENN: I’m pretty sure I ran a full mile in middle school without stopping.
MOON: Well, I have no idea when the first time was, but my first mile when I started seriously running was in 2009.
JENN: Yeah, verifiably for me I think it would be 2008. If I’d known it would mark the start of something so momentous I would’ve paid better attention.
MOON: I know, right?
JENN: Next! Year you became ‘a runner’:
This one can be interpreted in a variety of ways, but I think it’s a mindset thing, don’t you? “I jog sometimes for exercise for an hour or so” as opposed to “I set mileage and time goals and train for races” type thing.
MOON: Yeah.
JENN: I did some running as exercise in 2008 through 2010, but I wouldn’t say I became A RUNNER until summer of last year.
MOON: I always wanted to be a distance runner, so I would say 2009.
JENN: Why you started running:
Ha, mine’s kinda funny. I was pretty into the elliptical for a couple years. Then my apartment put a sign up in the gym saying that they were repairing a water main and the gym would be closed for a week.
I was still in the throes of disordered eating/exercising at the time (more on that at a later date), so naturally the idea of taking a week off was positively abhorrent for me.
So I dug up the old Nikes I bought for our first group trip to WDW and set off on a run. And afterward I discovered, wow, I feel like I actually EXERCISED. Because elliptical, it’s awesome you’re so low impact, but I… I don’t really feel like you DO much.
Gradually I began replacing my elliptical workouts with running workouts, started actually eating more than 100 calorie bags of popcorn for lunch, and eventually running took over. The Princess Half appeared on my radar and it was all over.
MOON: Haha, well… I don’t have a very entertaining story. I started because I simply wanted to run. I mean, honestly, at the time in my life there were a lot of changes happening and all that, but I needed something to focus on and I had always wanted to run more, so I did.
JENN: Why you run now:
You mean besides the fact that runDisney fills me with joy? Well, it makes me feel strong and competent. I may not be the world’s fastest, but I can wrong way farther than the average person. I bet our hearts are strong like ox!
I’m not gonna lie, there’s an element of calming my inner diet freakout. I burn around 1,000 calories in a ten mile run, and that makes me feel okay about, y’know, eating.
I also enjoy that Zenning out while running. Sometimes my mind wanders and then I look back and realize I just knocked out another mile without noticing it.
Or finding a great new song that pumps you up and you put it on repeat and each mile flies by.
That feeling is awesome.
MOON: I guess there are a lot of reasons why I run. Mostly, it is good for the body and the soul. There’s something very simple about running, but the rewards are all your body needs to be strong.
Running is calming and give me peace, too. I really see no disadvantages to running, why not run?
JENN: What’s the most you ever spent on a sports bra?
Uh… Twenty bucks? Most of my sports bras are from Target. Ha. I should probably invest in a good one… I hear excellent things about Lululemon but that would mean dropping some serious change.
MOON: Ten dollars, I think? Maybe fifteen. I like simple sports bras, nothing too fancy (but I HATE racer back).
JENN: Oh, and I hear good things about Victoria’s Secret’s sports line too. VSX or some such. Also expensive. Things to ponder…
MOON: Yes, I saw that they had a new line out. One was very yellow and I was attracted to it (I love yellow!), but it was fifty-ish dollars…
JENN: We’ll have to keep our eyes out for sales. First race?
Ha, Princess Half! We jumped right in…
MOON: Yes we did! And we did pretty well, all things considered!
JENN: Last race?
I don’t know if I even want to count this, but I did “run” the inaugural Annapolis Beer Week 5K Beer Run. It was wildly disorganized and by the end we were just sort of strolling from beer station to beer station… but we did four loops, which might be four miles? I don’t even know. Like I said: disorganized. But I can heartily recommend Abita’s Purple Haze now!
MOON: I’m still undecided on how much I actually want to race. I have a terrible habit of having the mentality that I must beat my previous time every time I run. So, I tend to race against myself. I’m also a terribly nervous person and have issues with running with people. But I am doing all the runDisney events, so we will see what happens. I’m going to try to do some races in the fall. Will get back to you on that!
JENN: Favorite race?
Princess Half. The ’90s called. They said to tell you DUH.
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Duh. |
MOON: Yeah…
JENN: Three races you most wish you could run:
I’m going to cheat on this one and just say ALL THE RUNDISNEY RACES!!! I don’t even know if I want to do a half marathon that isn’t Disney. Except now we’re signing up for one. So I guess I am! But I’m sure the whole time I’ll be thinking, “This race has no castle…”
MOON: 1. Hawaii Marathon 2. New York Marathon 3. WDW Marathon
JENN: Oh. Hawaii. Good call. I will make an exception for Hawaii.
MOON: It would probably be one of the prettiest runs in the world.
JENN: First running shoe:
The first shoe I bought specifically for running was the ASICS Nimbus 14. In the wrong size, but whatever. I have since learned the error of my ways.
MOON: Oh, man… I have no idea. I started with ASICS a long time ago and I’ve stuck with them, although I have been through at least three different models.
JENN: Do you run with a watch? What kind?
Nope. When I’m not on a treadmill I use MapMyRun. Although I’m pondering asking for a watch for Christmas.
MOON: I have the same answer as Jenn! I would like one…
JENN: We’ll have to do some research!
Running goals for 2013:
Well, I’m signed up for two 5Ks in September, so I’d like to try and actually RUN them this time.
I’d like to further refine my shoe selection.
And I’d of course love to improve both my speed and endurance!
MOON: By the end of the year, I would like to build my endurance and complete a few 10ks, each with a better time than the last!
JENN: Current, main or favorite shoe:
Nike Fitsoles.
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Nike Fitsoles. |
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Not Nike Fitsoles. |
MOON: I’ve been running in the Gel Noosa Tri 8 by ASICS and they have been pretty good!
JENN: Best running advice you’ve ever received:
To be properly fitted for sneakers, and to try Fleet Feet. Made a world of difference. Thanks, Doug!
MOON: Umm… I love What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami. It inspired me to keep running.
But, I think for both of us though, we must thank Michael Bolton.
JENN: I am oooon my waaaay! I CAN GO THE DISTANCE!
Running hero?
MOON: What!!
JENN: Because she congratulates, encourages, and commiserates in just the right amounts.
MOON: That’s so sweet, I can’t follow up on that! :p
JENN: We’re all full of hearts and flowers!
Favorite running partner:
JENN: Moon again! Yay!
MOON: Sunshine and rainbows.
JENN: ‘Cause on practice runs there’s no pressure, and in races we keep each other rolling.
MOON: Yes, and this is only the beginning. Soon we will be rolling past the Disney Marathon finish line.
JENN: Non-running hobbies:
Ballet, reading, writing, obsessing about WDW, cat wrangling… You know. Stuff.
MOON: Jenn and I enjoy watching terrible horror movies >_>…
Other than running, I read and play music. I’m a musicologist, so those two things work out well for me.
JENN: Classical music FTW.
Oh, and we both tear it up on the Xbox 360! I can field any and all questions regarding Dragon Age, and Moon can school you in Read Dead Redemption.
Who’s in your household?
Me, my roommate, and my cats, Minx and Ruffian. They are things of beauty and a joy forever.
MOON: Thanks, Endymion. My roommate and my kitty, Hoodoo!
JENN: Last question: PRs? I am a conscientious objector to this question. I believe that all the dodging and running around people cost us a good 10 – 15 minutes of time in the Princess Half. But we’ll talk about that later this week when we discuss our Princess Half experience.
MOON: I agree with Jenn.
JENN: Survey = crushed.
Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email See ya real soon!
Hi! Katherine from FFF here; honored you stole from me! Yay for sharing and runDisney blogs! On another note, Jenn, I'm sorry to hear that you were struggling with disordered eating. It's something I went through and that I try to talk openly about on my blog because I feel like so many fitness-centric blogs either tread too lightly when discussing such things or encourage behaviors that could be a trigger for people like me who have struggled or are struggling with these issues. I wish you all the best!
Awww, thanks! Love your blog! And not just because you have a cat.
I completely agree – I think too much emphasis is placed on how many calories you consume rather than the, y'know, NUTRITION element. I read your post on disordered eating and it really resonated with me; it's part of the reason I wanted to mention it myself. I think it helps tremendously to know that, not only are you not alone, any steps you take toward healing by eating and enjoying are positive ones. Health and happiness should trump the number on the scale every time.