Warning: If you read this, there are a lot of shouty capital letters in your future. Oh man, guys. Hello. I’m back. From the beach, that is, and it was really good, because I was on vacation at the beach and that’s always awesome. It was also really bad, because… Well, let’s start at the beginning. Important plot point:...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Has Gallivanted Off To The Ocean Again
Guess where I am right now! If you guessed Walt Disney World… you’re wrong. I know, I’m upset about it too. But I am in Ocean City, MD with my boyfriend and his family, and that’s one hell of a giant step above normal life/work, no? I’m planning to knock out three runs on the boardwalk over the course...
The Fairest Week In Review: 2/03
Hey guys! Moon is still AWOL, so it’s just Jenn again. I was hoping I could liven up my one-woman show with an exciting vacation announcement today, but it fell through.
The good news, though, is that I managed a ten miler last night, so: things are looking up on the running front! I still have...
In Which Jenn Went to Puerto Rico
Okay, so, like I said before, I spent the long weekend in Puerto Rico. In an effort to make this somewhat more related to the mission statement of the blog, I will say: I did not run in PR but I saw several OTHER people out for a run, which means that if I ever move to Puerto Rico...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 12/02
JENN: Did you sneak in any training this week? MOON: I did! Had some time off with Christian and we ran together a few times. JENN: Awesome! MOON: What about you? How’s the foot? JENN: Eh. It’s better. I do feel it’s making progress. I managed a three mile walk at a NON snail’s pace on Saturday, but I had to stop there...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 9/09
JENN: So how was Europe?! MOON: Excellent! I spent half of the time in the air and my ears are still wonky. JENN: Where did you end up going? MOON: From Baltimore to New York, New York to Stockholm, from Stockhom to Barcelona, traveled around Spain, from Barcelona to Scotland, from Scotland to England, from England to Oslo, from Oslo to New York,...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Is Obnoxiously Cheerful About the Future
Strap in, everybody – to counter yesterday’s whine-fest, I’m now going to be overwhelmingly positive! In this particular case, I am both Ted AND Veronica. See this sticky note that lives on my work computer? This sticky note houses all the joy of the foreseeable future. The first two – the Tessy convention (5K recap here) and Outer Banks...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Runs in the Outer Banks
Disappointing but true: I did not run along the beach. I’m just posting the above photo to distract from my lackluster running performance. Look! Look at the view from our beach house! LOOK AT IT! Feel happier? Good. Keep it up. Because you’re about to be a little disappointed in me. While in the Outer Banks, I ran… twice....
Continue readingIn Which Jenn & Moon Are Elsewhere
Hi there! Jenn NOT here. And neither is Moon. I’m in the Outer Banks this week and Moon is abroad, that lucky jerk. Anyway, we’re away for the week. BYEEEEE! Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email fairestrunofall@gmail.com. See ya real soon!...
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