Holy smokes; I’m not even done with my Dopey Challenge trip report and it’s already time for Princess Weekend! Not that I’m complaining, mind you – this is merely an observation. So my promised Dopey takeaways and traditional snack roundup posts are just going to have to wait. I’m headed back to Walt Disney World, baby! I think we...
Continue readingHow Much Does It Cost To Be Dopey?
Hello and welcome to my Dopey Challenge 2025 trip report! Today I’d like to talk about the costs associated with being a Dopey Challenger. Read all the entries in this report here. Onward! WDW Marathon Weekend is special to me. Although I’m not one of the diehards who register for the Dopey Challenge every year, I had an amazing...
Continue readingDopey Challenge Take Two: The Beginning
Okay, kids. runDisney’s WDW Marathon Weekend Dopey Challenge. My plane leaves, as they say, on the morrow. Let’s do this. Do I feel really good about it? No! Although I must admit – I asked for symmetry, and I was given symmetry. During my 2015 Dopey Challenge run, I was coming off injury. For 2025, I will be… coming...
Continue readingHow To Recover From A Marathon: Run Around A Theme Park
“Jenn, you just completed your fifth Marine Corps Marathon and twentieth marathon overall – what are you gonna do next?” Baby, I’m going to Universal Studios Florida for Halloween Horror Nights! You know I’m all about theme park life. That’s right – while the rest of you lucky suckers are running Wine & Dine Weekend races, I’ll be getting...
Continue readingSo Close To The Wine & Dine Half… & Yet So Far
I will be in Orlando during Wine & Dine Half Marathon Race Weekend. I will not be running a single race. I KNOW I CAN’T BELIEVE IT EITHER I ~ Okay. Deep breaths, self. I know it all feels so wrong. But there is a very good reason for all of this. You skipped Wine & Dine this year...
Continue readingHow I Registered For A Sold Out runDisney Race
My fellow runDisney enthusiasts, are you ready to have your minds blown? My first runDisney race – and in fact my first race ever – was the 2013 Princess Half Marathon, which took place as it always has in late February. Would you like to know when I registered? NOVEMBER 11, 2012. NOVEMBER 11. REALLY. I just went to...
Continue readingWDW Trip Report Day 1 (Full Disclosure: I Haven’t Left Yet)
How can you write the first day of your trip report when you haven’t even left your house yet? The explanation is simple: I already know what’s gonna happen, and also, it’s gonna be some form of boring. See, I’m not leaving until mid-evening, so I won’t touch down in Orlando until the beginnings of night. (I’m trying to...
Continue readingLitany Against The Fear Of Forgetting To Pack Something
With apologies to Frank Herbert.* View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jenn@FairestRunOfAll (@fairestrunofall) I must not fear forgetting to pack something. Fear of forgetting to pack something is the mind-killer. Fear of forgetting to pack something is the little-death that makes you check your suitcase for the same item 87 times because you can’t actively see...
Continue readingHappy One Year Anniversary To My Newest runDisney Fear
Great news, runDisney buddies! Per last year’s near miss where I almost had to skip the WDW Marathon, I now suffer from a new terror that even eclipses the dreaded Did Not Wake Up On Time paraoia that historically dominated the field. It is this: what if I get sick with COVID and can’t make the marathon?!...
Continue readingOh, Wait, Hold On – I’m Going to WDW Again
I know! I can hardly believe it either! But it’s true: I’m already on my way back to WDW for the week. Which is crazy, because I’m not even halfway through my most recent trip report yet. You catch me at the very point of decadence! Here’s the thing, though – I will NOT be doing a trip report...
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