Ummmm, hold on just a second. I need to say something. GO CAPITALS GO!!!!! Thanks, I just needed to get that out of my system. We can do the workout log thing now. Sunday | ran 10.1 miles outside in 1:45 Monday | walked 2.26 miles outside in 40 minutes; 45 minute ballet class Tuesday | ran 5.42 miles...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 5/02
Good morning campers! I come bearing good news: I’ve secured another discount code! Remember when I ran the Wrightsville Beach Marathon and got a PR and everything was awesome? Well, you can run it too in 2019! For, like, practically no money by road race standards – right now the race is $65, but you can get $10 off with promo code...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: Sicky McSickerson Edition
This week I embarked on an experiment. I decided to see how much running I could do while mildly to moderately sick. To make things more interesting, I even threw a race day in there. Walk with me: Sunday | 10.05 miles outside in 1:45 I had quite suddenly developed a sore throat Saturday afternoon which did not dissipate...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review 4/18
So normally this would be the day I would come to you bashfully with the news that I had signed up for the WDW Marathon AGAIN because it is my one true love. But, once again, runDisney has mysteriously postponed registration. This one doesn’t have me as worried as I’ve never had trouble getting a bib, even when I...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 4/11
Ooh, hey! I come to this week in review bearing gifts. Want to run with me in Annapolis on June 2? The people behind the Wayfarer’s Half just sent me a discount code! JourneyMate will net you $10 off the half and/or $5 off the 5k. (Don’t worry, you don’t have to run with me. I mean, I’ll be there, but you...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Notices New Running Paths
One phenomenon I have noticed increasingly over the years as a runner is that I have become hyper aware of running paths. Anytime I’m driving along and I see a trail, I immediately begin to parse out its running potential. This is a great way to suss out new places to train, except that the tragedy is that often...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 4/04
Once more unto the breach, dear friends. Well, hold on – that’s not 100% true. I did make it a slightly lighter week on mileage since it was my first back from the marathon. So next week unto the breach? Workout log, sing it: Sunday | ran 5.27 miles outside in 55 minutes This was surprisingly hard, although really I...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 3/22
It’s been quite an eventful week for running – I ran a marathon, then I signed up for more races – not only Wine & Dine (more on that later), but also the Marine Corps Marathon! How? The MCM race organizers unexpectedly provided a “rush” option Wednesday morning, releasing 11,000 guaranteed registrations, and I snagged one. Once again, I’m...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 3/14
I had planned to begin this post with a joyous “I’M REGISTERED FOR WINE & DINE!!!” but alas, it is not to be – if you haven’t already heard, registration has been delayed. Unknown as to why, but supposedly more information will be released later this week. In my heart of hearts, I want it to be because they’re...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 3/07
Hmmm. Do I have anything interesting to say this week? Let’s look at the workout log while I think on it. Sunday | ran 10.27 miles outside in 1:45 I had hoped to make it to 12 or 13 miles but I had stuff to do and slept too long to fit it in. Monday | walked 2.l9 miles...
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