First of all, the pun in the post title is entirely Jenn’s fault. Don’t blame Moon for that. It was out of her control. Anyway – welcome to the first post in our series Photographic Memory, in which we discuss… wait for it… the memories we have attached to photos from WDW. Sometimes the photo itself might not even...
Continue readingIn Which We Talk Afternoon Tea at the Grand Floridian
MOON: Okay, let’s do tea! JENN: We did the afternoon tea in the Grand Floridian’s Garden View Lounge for the first time in June of 2008. There have been many changes since then, some positive and some negative, but it is the one WDW restaurant I have returned to more than any other. I think my count is up...
Continue readingIn Which Crosstraining is Discussed & Jenn Tries to Sell Moon on Ballet
JENN: What’s your cross-training regimen? MOON: You always ask me first. I insist you share this time! JENN: Haha, okay! I try to do some push-ups plus crunches, and similar ab exercises on a regular basis. I say try, but in all honesty I don’t do it very often… I’m a little better about grabbing some low-weight dumbbells and...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 7/29
JENN: Okay, here’s my first report for the week: the running skirt I bought last week was a bust. I tried it on and it fit really comfortably, which should’ve been the first red flag. Since the undershorts weren’t gripping my thighs with deathly force, they naturally rode up as soon as I started to run. MOON: I figured...
Continue readingSquirtgun to Your Head: Favorite WDW Ride?
JENN: In my head I originally titled this series “Gun To Your Head,” the idea being that if someone were to hold a gun to your head and demand your favorite Disney ride and you can only say one with no caveats GO, what would you say? But that seemed needlessly violent, given the subject matter, so I vote...
Continue readingIn Defense Of Our Predicted Tink Finishing Time
JENN: As you will know if you read our Princess Half Marathon recap, our finishing time was 2:52. And as you will know if you read our Tinker Bell Half registration post, we put down 2:20 as our projected finish. You might be thinking to yourself, “Hmmm. That’s quite a jump.” But wait! We can explain! We feel that...
Continue readingIn Which Moon Touches On Restrictive Dieting
We’ll periodically be putting up solo posts from one or the other of us, just to keep the format fresh. And you know, for funsies. Today Moon tackles a topic that has great meaning to us both… Restrictive diets: say no. Let’s talk a little about nutrition and diet. Most of the “diets” I have experienced have been extremely...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 7/22
JENN: Wanna do our weekly? MOON: Sure! JENN: Then let’s hit it! How’d your training go this week? MOON: Rather well, actually. I jogged indoors, outdoors, got through a minor ankle issue, and tried an intense elliptical workout. JENN: Ankle okay now? MOON: It’s getting there. I honestly don’t know what I did to offend it. How was your...
Continue readingThe Coldest Winter Jenn Ever Spent
Hi there! Just Jenn here today. Guess where I spent the last week running? But Mr. Twain, if you meant it literally you should’ve SAID. That’s right – high above San Francisco! I was there for a business trip, and my hotel’s gym was on the top floor. It was certainly quite the novelty! And as a bonus, the...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 7/15
.JENN: Are you done with your running for the week? MOON: Yes! Well, as long as Sunday is the first day of the new week, that is. JENN: I consider it to be so. In this way dailymile and I differ, but I just mentally make adjustments. How was it for you, running-wise? MOON: I experimented with my diet...
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