I just completed my first outdoor run in… forever. More on that later this week, but needless to say, I am tiiiired. On that note: happy Labor Day! I hope you’re thoroughly enjoying your day off. Also, I hope you have a day off! And CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who finished the Disneyland Half, 10K, 5K, etc. over the weekend!...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Shares a Discount Code for the Color in Motion 5K
I kept meaning to include this in the week in review. Except I didn’t. Obviously. So now it gets its own post! The people from the Color in Motion 5K sent me this email awhile ago: Right now, we are offering a special entry price for $30! If you have a friend register using the code “MOREFUN”, then they’ll...
Continue readingFairest Week in Review: 8/26
Hello, humans! In case you weren’t aware, Moon’s mother has been in the hospital, and I haven’t wanted to bug her about the whole blogging thing while clearly more pressing matters are at hand. That’s why you’ve been suffering through my solo efforts so long! However, the most recent update (as of this evening) is that the situation has...
Continue readingIt’s a Coconut Water Battle Royale!
Jenn is still in charge! Fear for your lives! There has been much buzz in the running community of late about coconut water as a wonderful alternative to traditional energy drinks like Gatorade or Powerade – coconut water has naturally occurring electrolytes, carbohydrates, and potassium, with none of the weird preservatives and added sugars. Perfect for a runner’s hydration!...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 8/19
Hi guys! Still me for the time being, I’m afraid. Moon’s mom is still having medical issues so I’m holding down the fort. She does tell me she managed to sneak in a 1.25 mile run, so girl is keeping it going. Send good vibes her way! Okay, let’s see. My training this week went fine, except for...
In Which Jenn Bites It Off the Treadmill
Oh, hey! Jenn here. Again. Remember that time I said that for the next post Moon would be back? I swear when I said it I wasn’t lying, but I’m afraid she’s out of commission for a bit longer. She’ll have a triumphant return, that much I can guarantee! In the meantime, I’m afraid you’re going to have to...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 8/12
Good morning, campers! Jenn here. Moon is unfortunately experiencing some familial issues, so I’m taking over. Not permanently, mind you! Not even for very long: I’m in charge of today and most likely tomorrow. Then Moon comes back and the universe rights itself again. Wait, don’t go! I know it’s not as much fun without her, but if you...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn & Moon & Minx & Ruffian & Hoodoo Try Energy Bits
Hi there! Jenn here. A little backstory: a few weeks ago I randomly tweeted to our scores and scores of devoted followers that we had never used any kind of energy gels or beans or what have you, and did anyone having suggestions? Why, Sasha Bratt did – Energy Bits are the thing, said he! They’re made with algae,...
Continue readingPre-Run Snack Suggestion: Raspberry Scones
MOON: Jenn and I are very liberal with what we consider “good” energy for running (but this is mostly because we love baking), so we made scones this weekend! Carbs for running! We had raspberry scones (my favorite) – all organic ingredients, of course. JENN: When did we first make raspberry scones? I feel like it’s been a go-to...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 8/5
JENN: Recap! How was your workout week? MOON: I am sad now that most of my running is back indoors, but other than that my week was good! Nothing too big to report. How was yours? JENN: I did okay. I got all my mileage out of the way in an acceptable fashion but didn’t accomplish anything remarka –...
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