TAPERING IS HARD, YOU GUYS. It seems counter-intuitive – I mean, the principle behind tapering is that you spend the last week or two before a race running with LESS mileage and LESS intensity, so as to save your strength for the big race push. That means that tapering comes with LESS difficult runs – or at least, it...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 9/23
Okay, so, the reason why Moon has been skipping on these Week in Review posts is because she’s been too busy to run, what with her free time being spent at the hospital with her mother and all. She’s rather bummed about it, as you might imagine; us runner types do very much enjoy, y’know, running. Therefore I would...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Discusses Mid-Run Fueling
I dunno, guys. I must be doing it wrong. Earlier we talked about pre- and post-run fueling, and that’s very important. But it seems like there’s a whole lot of buzz surrounding the gels and beans and shots and such that provide energy during a run. Many reported that they found substantial improvement in their runs when they consumed...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Recaps the Color In Motion 5K
After the Electric Run 5K two weekends ago, Scott and I weren’t finished: last Saturday we tackled the Color In Motion 5K, one of those races where people chuck colored powder at you until you look like a piece of spin art. It was a good experience but not without some troubles. As Lewis Carroll so wisely suggests, I...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 9/16
Moon can’t make it today, but – IT’S HER BIRTHDAY! WEEEEEE!!! Everybody wish her a happy one!
D Glorious. Okay. Training last week. It started out well – on Sunday I knocked out a 16 miler at decent speeds. Unfortunately my Tuesday run was rough and my Thursday run was even rougher. I couldn’t figure out what...
In Which Jenn & Moon Discuss Pre- & Post-Run Snacks & Jenn Uses Her Car as an Oven
JENN: So, running fuel snacks. They’re important, one way or another. There are three categories: pre-run, mid-run, and post-run snacks. I’m ignoring mid-run snacks because I’ll have a blog post about that next week, but for today I’d like to start with pre-run snacks – Moon has her own take on this! MOON: Pre-run snacking = >:(. I hate...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Recaps the Electric Run 5K
Sheeeeeeee’s electric! She’s in a family full of eccentrics! (Oasis fans in the audience? No? Just me then? Oh.) Can I be electric too? Moving right along. As I detailed in my post about upcoming races, I signed up for the Electric Run 5K a few months ago, and when the day finally dawned (or should I say dusked?)...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 9/9
Whew. Long day. Long weekend! I started last week by running outside for the first time in forever and ended it with the Electric Run 5K (more on that tomorrow). Teaser: I think it went pretty well! TEASER TEASER TEASER TEASER WOOOOO I will tell you this about the Electric Run: I did it sans iPod because I was...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Has a Busy September (Upcoming Races!)
I have quite the September lined up for myself! It was accident, really, I swear. First Scott wanted to do the Electric Run 5K. And I said, I like running! I like lights and music! I’m in! Then he was all disappointed when we missed out on the Color Run 5K. (Scott has no interest in running unless he...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Runs OUTDOORS and Makes Her Own Pocket Shirt
DID NOT LIKE. The end. Oh, I kid, I kid. But seriously, I do almost all my training indoors on the treadmill. I know that’s not considered the world’s best way when races are, y’know, not, but I like the climate control (to a point) and the quantifiable data and the way you can regulate your speed and the...
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