Hey, remember that time several forevers ago when I said I had more to say about running outdoors vs. the treadmill? THE DAY HAS COME. I know: I’ve already complained. Some people are treadmill people and some people are outdoors people, and rarely the twain shall meet. Still, when the treadmills at my gym both broke at once and...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 10/28
I have exciting news! I just got the official email from Disney: I have been invited to participate in MyMagic+ during my December trip to Walt Disney World! I’ve customized our bands – pink for my mom and yellow for me because it would be too confusing if we were both pink and there’s no purple hey why is...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 10/21
Last week I did something that will amaze some of you: I ran twenty miles for the first time. That’s not the amazing part. I did it on the treadmill. And what’s more, I didn’t hate it! In fact, I was perfectly cheerful about the whole thing; it wasn’t a hard slog at all. More on my treadmill strategy...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 10/15
Sorry about this whole day late thing! I had yesterday off and wound up getting in a REALLY long run – but that’s this week’s training, not last week’s, so more on that later. Speaking of this week’s training, if you follow us (mostly me) on Twitter you may have suffered through a fair amount of me kvetching all...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn & Moon Discuss Running While Wearing Makeup
JENN: This is a topic that has been pinging around in my skull for some time: running in makeup. I remember for the Princess Half Marathon I put on some foundation because it has SPF 15 and I am the world’s palest pale person. By the end of the race I can’t be sure I didn’t sweat it all...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 10/7
Last week my boss was all excited because her daughter’s wings had come in for her Halloween costume. Her daughter is going to be the… Halloween… Fairy… something? Apparently it’s a book? Anyway, my boss had them shipped to work, so she showed us: perfect, Tink-style fairy wings, only orange-y yellow. Half-joking, I declared that I would have to...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Recaps the Annapolis Run for the Light House Half Marathon
Never mind all those zombie 5Ks that are all the rage lately – let me tell you what it’s like to run a race in a post-apocalyptic world. The key: the Annapolis Run for the Light House Half Marathon. But first, to back up: if you missed my recap of packet pickup and sneaker purchase, click here to read...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Gets New Sneakers From Fleet Feet
The Annapolis Light House Half Marathon was last Sunday, and was so small that there was no expo, just packet pickup. This would not seem to warrant a special post, but since the pickup was at Fleet Feet I decided to get some LOOOOONG overdue sneakers while I was there. As far as I am concerned, new sneakers are...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 9/30
Good morning, sunshines! As you might have guessed from that disgustingly cheery opening, I survived my second half marathon, even as it was outside of the warm Disney embrace. Did I meet my time goal? If you follow us on Twitter you know; if not, you’ll have to wait until later this week to find out! You won’t want...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn & Moon Hit the Post-Workout Showers
JENN: A few weeks ago I was nearing the end of a run and was motivating myself by promising I could use my expensive facial cleansers when I showered afterward. And then I realized, hey, that could be a post! So, Moon, do you have any Shower Rewards? MOON: I have a great facial mask I like to use....
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