In the immortal words of Marvin the Paranoid Android: Oh GOD I’m so depressed. In other words, I flew home from Walt Disney World on Sunday, and now I’m falling into the tired, inevitable old cliche: constantly thinking things like “Yesterday at this time, I was eating breakfast with Tigger.” “Yesterday at this time I was walking past Spaceship...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 12/2
GUYS. GUYS. GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS. I LEAVE FOR WALT DISNEY WORLD ON WEDNESDAY. My preferred mode of travel. I cannot begin to explain to you how perfect the timing is. I need a pick-me-up and WDW is just about the only thing strong enough to make that happen. I’ll be going into greater detail regarding my plans...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn’s Lungs Mutiny
This story begins, as it so often does, with the gym breaking down. It’s kind of my own fault, really. No, not the gym breaking down; just the part where it screws me over. See, I was supposed to run on Sunday, but my Saturday suuuuuuucked and I was feeling tired and down so I skipped it in favor...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 11/25
Oof. To be perfectly frank, I had a rough weekend. That’s a bad start to the post. Please forgive me. Please forgive me, too, for depriving you of Moon’s virtual company; she got a couple training runs in this week and was going to get in on the Week In Review for the first time in forever. Unfortunately, in...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn is Insufficiently Excellent
My dad has this saying: “The excellent is the enemy of the good.” And lately I feel like the phrase was coined with running in mind. When you first start running it’s hard, physically and mentally – but in other ways, it’s almost easy, because practically everything you do constitutes a personal record. Slowly you build up your mileage...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 11/18
Hi, everybody! How was your weekend? I finally saw Escape to Tomorrow, and I have… thoughts. So there’s that to look forward to this week. Aside from that, I’m trying to wrangle Moon for another post or two; her mom’s doing fine but she has a new paramour. You know how it is. As...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Barely Makes Protein Pancakes (And They Suck)
Let’s see, what’s the phrase I’m looking for? EPIC FAIL. Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up. As part of my race packet for the Annapolis Run for the Light House, I received a packet of protein powder. It seemed to go over well post-run, so I bought myself a big ol’ tub of...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 11/12
Hello, humans! I had yesterday off for Veteran’s Day and used it to cram in my longest run yet. It was supposed to happen on Sunday, but I had a ballet performance on Saturday evening which evidently required a next-day crash; I spent most of the day sleeping. Us artsy types are weird. Look at my pretty pointe shoes!...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 11/4
Mere days go, I received this beautiful, beautiful creature in the mail: Magical Express tickets = check. ONLY THIRTY DAYS TO GO, GUYS. Training last week went well! My experiment with not eating beforehand and taking Clif Shot Bloks during went, as the Brits say, swimmingly. I even knocked out a fifteen-miler, not at any particularly great speeds, but...
Continue readingMusic + Running: When Headphones & Sneakers Do Not Entertain a Happy Marriage
No doubt you’re sick of Jenn prattling on, so for a change of pace, here’s a solo Moon post! Yay! Hey gang! I’m venturing on a new series, here. Hopefully this narrative will get more interesting as we push forward, but bear with me for a bit. But, before I get too preachy, how about revealing what the series...
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