On Tuesday evening I ran seventeen miles. That’s not the part that will impress you. I mean, they weren’t very fast miles or anything. No, the part that will impress (horrify?) you is that I ran them on the treadmill. I know, I know – we’ve already discussed the treadmill ad nauseum. I love it, you hate it, and...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 4/22
Just me for the week in review this time around – Moon and I were at a wedding for much of the weekend and then there was Easter and basically we just haven’t had time to chat. Well. We had time to chat. But it was about other things. Sample conversation topic: This vineyard makes great Malbec! Here’s a...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Recaps the Marine Corps 17.75K
HILLS. End of recap. No, no, I won’t do that. BUT I COULD. Anyway. The Marine Corps 17.75K took place in Woodbridge, VA, which is about 45 minutes south of me. The last shuttle from the parking lots to the race start was scheduled to leave at 6:25AM, so for safety I was up, dressed, and out the door...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Is Dopey
I have done something. I have done something unwise. (source) Thanks to the magic of early registration for Annual Passholders, I just registered for WDW Marathon Weekend’s Dopey Challenge. I have willingly signed up to do a 5K… and then get up the next morning and do a 10K… repeat, run a half marathon… repeat, RUN A FULL MARATHON....
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 4/15
JENN: Get any training done this week? MOON: A little! Working on toning mostly. How have your runs been? Any improvement? JENN: Eh, this week was worse, but I only did one training run; the rest was walking. I had the Marine Corps 17.75K (11.03 mi) on Saturday, the one that got you guaranteed admission to the Marine Corps Marathon when you...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Has A Race Tomorrow
Whew. They made me drive all the way into Virginia to get it, but I have my bib for the Marine Corps 17.75K. I’m kinda nervous; my runs have not been great lately, and the course is described as having “rolling hills.” Goody. But this is my only way into the Marine Corps Marathon if I want to do...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Has A Sweaty Hair Epiphany
Several years ago I read a supposed statistic that something like 50% of women don’t work out because they don’t want to mess up their hair. Now, I don’t know if that’s a ridiculous fabrication or an equally ridiculous truth, but I CAN tell you that I recently had a Workout + Hair Epiphany. It happened when my roommate...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 4/08
JENN: So – how was your training this week? MOON: Remarkably uneventful, but steady. JENN: Sounds like an improvement! I had a much better run on Tuesday and then a much worse run on Thursday, so I’m not quite sure where I stand. I’m running the 17.75K – a skosh over 11 miles – on Saturday so I think...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Has Her Race Year Completely Planned Out
Well. Perhaps not COMPLETELY planned out. I could maybe toss a couple 5Ks in there if something interesting pops up. But here’s the major race plan skeleton. Item 1: I signed up for the Marine Corps 17.75K at Nicole‘s urging ’cause she was all THE MARINE CORPS MARATHON IS A LOTTERY THIS YEAR WE NEED THIS. See, if you...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 4/01
JENN: THE SUN IS OUT. MOON: I KNOW! I’m sitting in it right now. JENN: Amazing. I’m going to go to Target on my lunch break just so I can go outside Speaking of outside, I love it when it gets warm because the odds of me having the gym all to myself increase. MOON: Haha, I hope that holds true for me also,...