JENN: How did your training go this week? MOON: Well, I ran every day! It was good. JENN: Awesome!I ran outside a bunch this week. I’m getting a LITTLE better at it, anyway. I’m not ready to let go of the treadmill just yet, but the outdoors is growing on me. I just hope I DON’T come to prefer running outside because that’ll...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 6/03
MOON: I JUST RAN 3.5 MILES JENN: YEEEEEEEAH TELL ME ABOUT YOUR 3.5 MILES MOON: Well, generally uneventful. There were awkward repairmen in the gym all up on my treadmill while I was running. JENN: Oh, yes, that’s always a little weird. MOON: You’re probably thinking, “3.5… whoopee.” Buuuut, I haven’t run since my return from Israel. Yesterday I found myself really missing...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Runs In Dewey Beach
As I mentioned yesterday, I spent the Memorial Day weekend in Dewey Beach, DE. View from our porch. I wasn’t mad. And for once, I actually DID get in the run I said I’d make time for during vacation! Surprise! If you’ve ever been to Dewey, you know it’s pretty darned crowded. When I first stepped out, I was...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 5/27
JENN: How was your extended weekend? Did you run at all? MOON: This is terrible, but for the second week in a row: noooo. This week has been a sick week… JENN: Oh no! If you’re feeling ill it’s probably better not to run, so it’s good that you’re taking precautions. Are matters improving? MOON: Yeah, yesterday was actually a pretty okay day...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Runs A Sucking Simulation
I am a treadmill girl. We know this. But I know this, too: I need to get more experience running outside with terrain and inclines and all that jazz (thanks for the heads up on that fact, MCM 17.75K). And since it was a nice day on Monday, I decided I’d give the whole running outdoors thing another go....
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 5/20
JENN: Did you run at all this week? MOON: Hmm, I think another mile? The progress is rather slow over here… JENN: Hey, that’s one more mile than a lot of people manage! MOON: Yes, but about 25 less than I usually do… XD I have been hunting for half marathons for the late summer, though! JENN: Any prospects? MOON: Hmm, there was one...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Considers the Week of Runs Not Taken
Two weeks ago, I did not run at all. AT ALL. The time had come. Pictured: Not running. Pictured: Still not running. Did I miss it? I hardly had time to miss it. Pictured: All the time I had. Since then I’ve had a couple good runs and a couple bad runs. I’ve pushed myself. I’ve barely eked it...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn & Moon Do the Liebster Award Thing
Fun fact: the fabulous Danielle of Live, Run, Grow nominated us for a Liebster Award! This question-trading blog series helps us all get to know our fellow bloggers. Read on for the answers to the questions Danielle set to us! 1. If you could run any race in the world, what would it be? JENN: I’m pretty excited for the...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 5/13
MOON: How was your weekend? JENN: Crazy. I was tasked with taking care of my grandmother on Mother’s Day. I pulled up to the house to discover an ambulance in the driveway and a fire engine on the curb. Turns out she’d fallen, been incapacitated, and used her Life Alert. MOON: Oh, no! JENN: She repeatedly refused to go to the hospital, so...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 5/06
JENN: Would you like to start us off with your Grand Impressions of Israel? MOON: A gorgeous land of geographic contrasts. JENN: I’m assuming you didn’t run for fear of startling all the stray cats. MOON: We had planned to run around Tel Aviv… But Tel Aviv happened at the end of the trip. After the desert and walking everywhere-all-the-time, running felt like overkill....
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