JENN: So how was your training this week? MOON: Not so good this week. I’ve had a stomach bug most of the week. JENN: Oh no! Well, that’s definitely a good reason not to run. MOON: I’m sure yours was better! JENN: Mine was pretty good. I pulled out an okay 15 miler on the treadmill on Monday and then managed two...
In Which Jenn Ponders Her Running Future
Okay, here’s a post I’ve been planning for awhile, except I had initially planned to discuss it in the abstract. It’s about when the running stops. Well, no. Not stops. But diminishes. For the past two years or so I’ve been running 30 – 35 miles per week over the course of 3 – 4 days per week. I...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 7/15
JENN: Ready for bloggery? MOON: I’m ready! JENN: Yay! Okay, how was your training this week? MOON: Good! Nothing too special to report, but I did try out a new route near my future home. It was crazy humid that morning, but it was nice and not a lot of traffic. JENN: Oooh, any good trails or anything? MOON: Not trails, really… just roads. However,...
Continue readingWTF GPS: A Haiku by Jenn
How far have I run??? “Lost satellite reception” IMPOTENT RAGE UGH (source) What’s your worst lost-satellite-reception story? I think I lost about half a mile. And I totally survived; I’m just being melodramatic. But GOD, GARMIN. Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email See ya real...
Continue readingHappy Blogiversary!
JENN: It’s time to break out the confetti and festive hats, because it’s our BLOGIVERSARY! The Fairest Run of All is one year old as of yesterday! (And we would’ve posted about that yesterday but it was Week In Review day and one must adhere to the schedule at all costs, no?) Read our first post here. MOON: Wow!! No...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 7/08
JENN: How was your Fourth of July weekend? MOON: Very nice! I went up to NYC and stayed with friends. Lots of exploring the city. How was yours? JENN: Pretty good – I saw a LOT of fireworks. First on the National Mall on the fourth and then on the fifth I saw like eight shows going on at once...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Talks About the Weather
Addendum: UNLESS YOU ARE DEAD. Last week we had a good, solid summer storm, during which I managed to fit in a good, solid Target run because I was already out post-ballet class anyway and what’s a little rain? That is today’s question: what’s a little rain? Or rather, a BIG rain, because while rain is no big deal...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 7/01
JENN: Sooooo. Running! How is it? MOON: This week hasn’t been super exciting with scheduled workouts. Buuuut, there are some stories. JENN: Ooh, I love stories! MOON: So, there was a water tubing trip on Sunday. Long story short, we had a problem with the cars. You’re supposed to have one car at the starting point and one at the end (so you...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 6/24
JENN: So how has the running been? MOON: Not too bad, how about you? JENN: Last week was actually surprisingly good. I wound up covering about 40 miles over the course of the week, which is 7 – 10 more than my average. Mind you, it helped that it was a no-ballet week. Ballet starts again today, so I doubt I’ll be...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 6/17
MOON: Ooookay. Tell me about your runs! JENN: They have been relatively decent! HUGE factor: the air conditioning the gym finally kicked in. Air conditioning not on? Crazy humid, runs suck. Air conditioning on? WHEEEEEE I CAN RUN. MOON: Ha, I realized that too in the beginning of the week. Our air conditioner seems to be spotty. Sometimes on and glorious or...
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