JENN: So how was Europe?! MOON: Excellent! I spent half of the time in the air and my ears are still wonky. JENN: Where did you end up going? MOON: From Baltimore to New York, New York to Stockholm, from Stockhom to Barcelona, traveled around Spain, from Barcelona to Scotland, from Scotland to England, from England to Oslo, from Oslo to New York,...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Runs in the Outer Banks
Disappointing but true: I did not run along the beach. I’m just posting the above photo to distract from my lackluster running performance. Look! Look at the view from our beach house! LOOK AT IT! Feel happier? Good. Keep it up. Because you’re about to be a little disappointed in me. While in the Outer Banks, I ran… twice....
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 9/02
HELLO, FRIENDS! Just Jenn today, as Moon will be off gallivanting about the Continent for the remainder of the week. Whereas I, by contrast, am back from the beach and happy to… happy to… look, I kinda wish I was still at the beach, okay? But I’m here and I’m slowly getting over my post-break blues. How am I managing...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Wants to Pretend to runDisney
In the immortal words of Catherine, Called Birdy: I have an inspired notion! Okay, probably other people have already had this notion and this notion may even exist somewhere out there in the universe, but I’m going to talk about it anyway. While I was in Dallas my hotel gym had some of those fancypants treadmills with iPod hookups...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 8/19
JENN: First thing first! I’m dying to hear about this new Disney dream. MOON: So… we were doing a 5K. But first! The setting: There was a city that was made into a Disney city of sorts. Forgive the vagueness. Dreams don’t make sense all the time. Certainly not mine. We had Elizabeth with us. We were supposed to do...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn’s Language App Makes Subversive Suggestions
There’s a decent chance I’ll vacationing in Puerto Rico this December, so I’ve decided that just in case I should brush up on my Spanish. My roommate tipped me off to this app called Duolingo that puts you through your language paces; I’ve downloaded it and have spent the last week furiously working through the sections. I’ve noticed something,...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 8/12
JENN: So how was the training this week? MOON: Very good! I remain consistent with mileage and daily activity. How was yours? JENN: Ha – it was pretty terrible. That minor cough I was talking about last week? Yeah, it wasn’t quite done with me. I was sooooo slooooooow all week and even suffered some lung capacity reduction on Monday. But...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Has Crazy runDisney Dreams
I know it’s wildly common for people to have that dream, the night before a race, that they have slept through their alarm. This image also helpfully doubles as a metaphor for running itself. OH GOD NOT GOING FAST ENOUGH (source) I am WAY AHEAD OF YOU. Sure, I’ve had that dream. I’ve had it the night before the...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 8/05
JENN: How did your training go this week? MOON: It was a good week for running! JENN: Yay! MOON: I’m looking forward to having this week go just as well JENN: Any new distances or pace records? MOON: Hahaha, no. But there’s something to be said for consistency. JENN: Absolutely! MOON: How was your week? JENN: Surprisingly decent considering I developed a mild cold by the end...
The Fairest Week In Review: 7/29
JENN: How’d your training go this week? MOON: The last part of the week was good! I fiiiiinally have some new music! JENN: Yay! MOON: Nothing motivates me more than a good jam. How was yours? JENN: Okay. I ran outside exclusively this week. The first run went well, but the humidity was so high the next two days that I felt awful. MOON: Awww....
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