Um… guys? The Marine Corps Marathon is in ten days. Side note: this would make a great spectator sign. Soooo… here’s what we’re gonna do. I’m gonna list out my planned prep work for the week before the race, and you’re going to respond with your opinions and experiences, okay? Okay! Assuming all my various sometimes-failing body parts don’t...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 10/14
JENN: So how was your training this week? MOON: It went really well! Strength training is surprisingly working out (har har…). JENN: Yay! Distance? Speed? Both? MOON: Both! AND I can do some sweet ab work. I’ve never had this kind of tone before, I’m pretty excited! JENN: Awesome! You’re way more patient than I am – I usually just do whatever happens in...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 10/07
JENN: Did you run at all this week? MOON: Ouiii. I’m actually a bit burned out JENN: Awww. How are you burned out? MOON: I’ve decided that I need to add strength training in again. The lower half of my body is pretty set, but I can’t tell you what a difference there is between my legs and my arms. XD Ultimately, I...
Continue readingJenn’s Long Run Part II: The Actual Running Part
In the immortal words of Dory: We did it! We did it! Oh yeah yeah yeah! (In this particular case, “we” refers to me and my beautiful unicorn sneakers.) My long run was a SUCCESS, guys! An actual, honest to God success! Who would’ve thought? I certainly didn’t think.* My seven miler on Tuesday morning sucked, although I suspect...
Continue readingJenn’s Long Run Part I: Preparation
Tonight’s training run: 20 miles. TWENTY. MILES. Okay. I have the option of doing eighteen if it’s just not clicking for me. But I really want that twenty. If I can do it in four hours, I’ll be happy. Then I’ll have my longest run under my belt and I can being tapering for the Marine Corps Marathon. I’ll...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 9/30
JENN: How’d the whole running thing go last week? MOON: A confession! I did not run last week… I used only the elliptical. Every day. Because I wanted to finish a book that was really long. JENN: Haha, what book? MOON: Stone’s Fall by Iain Pears. I just wanted to know WHY he fell… Rather disappointed about some of the reveals,...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Runs In Ocean City, MD
I did it! I did it again! I ran on vacation! Less badly than last time even!I found myself on an unexpected trip to Ocean City, Maryland over a long weekend, and the comparatively cool weather encouraged me to get myself outside for a run. That and the boardwalk – everything is more fun on the boardwalk. So I...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 9/24
JENN: Apologies for the delay in Week In Review-ness! I was in Ocean City for the long weekend and Moon and I were just able to talk today. And I know How to Train Your Dragon isn’t Disney but I couldn’t resist posting this photo of the Toothless kite I saw on Sunday. Anyway. How’d the whole running thing go...
Continue readingIn Which Moon & Elizabeth Run With Nuns
Guys! Guess what! Two fantastic things happened this past weekend: 1. Moon ran a race. 2. Elizabeth raced, too! And one excellent thing is happening right now: Moon is writing a solo blog post (!!). This, I know, does not happen very often. I’m rather excited to be bringing news other than “Hey, I ran this past week and...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 9/16
JENN: So how was your training last week? MOON: It was good! Since returning from Europe I’ve been slowly building back to my baseline. How was your training? JENN: Not bad. I had a minor panic attack about the Marine Corps Marathon being less than two months away so I went and ran a 15 miler. Next week: 17. MOON:...
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