Please welcome the ever-fabulous Elizabeth, who comes to us today with her very first guest post! She ran the Annapolis Run for the Light House 5K last weekend. Here’s her take. So I’m new to this whole recap thing, and there really isn’t much to report, as I was just doing a 5K, but the Light House 5K went...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Recaps The National Capital 20 Miler
Remember how well my 20 mile practice run for the Marine Corps Marathon went last year? I did it in 3 hours and 33 minutes! Still, spending that kind of time on the treadmill wasn’t exactly my all time favorite thing, so for this year’s training I elected to sign up for the National Capital 20 Miler, a perfectly...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Recaps The Parks Half Marathon
I was standing under an eave watching the rain come down when Pat picked me up to take me to the Parks Half Marathon start line (have I ever mentioned that my boyfriend is the best ever?). This would seem an inauspicious beginning, I needn’t have feared – it was to be a perfect day for running. The Parks...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Is A Poor 5K Recapper & Great Balcony Viewer
So, I don’t know, I feel like a should recap all my races, even if they weren’t that exciting. With that in mind, I give you: the 2015 Tessitura Network 5K, which is held annually during the conference I attend. You may recall that last year’s went great. This year’s? Not so much. Oh, it wasn’t that bad. It...
Continue readingIn Which Moon Recaps The Cherry Blossom Ten Miler
Let me preface with: for the past three years I’ve been going to the Cherry Blossom Festival in hopes of seeing some BOSS cherry blossoms. Because we’ve had long and stupid winters, however, I’ve been coming out of the experience seeing bare trees. A week before the race I hear news that the cherry blossoms should be in their...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Recaps The Cherry Blossom Ten Miler
So… that was not my favorite race. Don’t get me wrong – the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler has a lot of things going for it. Mark one: from the moment I left my apartment to the moment I arrived at the race start, only an hour had passed. This includes about 15 minutes spent waiting around for the Metro...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Points Out Posts You May Have Missed
Hey, you know how occasionally you’ll be watching a sitcom and it will dawn on you with slow horror that what you’re actually seeing is a clips show? Yeah, I’m doing that. It’s not so bad! I applied logic to this decision, I swear! It’s merely that it occurs to me that this blog is closer to its second...
Continue readingThe Fairest Trip Report Of All: The WDW Marathon
Is it trip report time again already? Yay! I’ll be looking back at my Dopey trip at the beginning of January, with special separate posts for each race and some food experiences depending on how much I have to say about them. You can read all the posts in this particular trip report here. Ready? Let’s go! Believe it...
Continue readingThe Fairest Trip Report Of All: The WDW Half Marathon
Is it trip report time again already? Yay! I’ll be looking back at my Dopey trip at the beginning of January, with special separate posts for each race and some food experiences depending on how much I have to say about them. You can read all the posts in this particular trip report here. Ready? Let’s go! I’m not gonna...
Continue readingThe Fairest Trip Report Of All: The WDW 10K
Is it trip report time again already? Yay! I’ll be looking back at my Dopey trip at the beginning of January, with special separate posts for each race and some food experiences depending on how much I have to say about them. You can read all the posts in this particular trip report here. Ready? Let’s go! The weather predictions...
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