Oh, how sad to be right. But in the ashes of defeat are the seeds of victory, so here’s my 2022 – inaugural! – North Myrtle Beach Sunglasses Half Marathon race recap all the same. We begin with a 4:45am wakeup call (still luxuriously late compared to runDisney) and the 55-minute trek from Wilmington down to North Myrtle Beach....
Continue readingThe Fairest Trip Report Of All: 2022 Princess Half Marathon Recap
It’s trip report time again! Read all the posts in this trip report here. Onward! First thing first: I woke up on time for the Princess Half Marathon. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it forever: this is by far the scariest part of any race. Once you’re awake, you’re home free, baby! Despite the adrenaline shot to...
Continue readingRun Oak Island Half Marathon Race Recap!
Hello and welcome to a race recap that is in know way related to runDisney. I know, I’m surprised too. The last couple years, I’ve done the Wilmington/Wrightsville Beach Marathon as part of a week visiting my parents in North Carolina. This year, though, that race is the same weekend as the Princess Half. But when I saw the...
Continue readingThe Fairest Trip Report Of All: The 2022 Walt Disney World Marathon
Time for another trip report! I’ll be covering my 2022 WDW Marathon Weekend trip. Find all the posts in this report here. Onward! 2021 was the Year With No Walt Disney World Marathon. My heart: broken. My will to live: gone. My serotonin levels: bottoming out. Enter 2022. A young year, plagued by… the plague just as much as...
Continue readingSurprise! The Wilmington Historic 5K & Half Marathon Race Recap(s)
I didn’t know I had any more races on the schedule this year either! But when the random chance to run the Wilmington Historic Half Marathon popped up, I went for it. Of course, I say the Wilmington Historic Half, but by the time I registered it was sold out. Unless I wanted to run the 5K, just the...
Continue readingThe Fairest Trip Report Of All: Wine & Dine Half Marathon Recap
It’s trip report time again! Read all posts in this trip report here. Well, you ask, how was the Wine & Dine Half Marathon this year? How was the first in-person runDisney event since February of 2020? Well. Let me tell you. To start, and I’m sure this is an unpopular opinion, I wish the race didn’t occur during...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Recaps The 2021 Wilmington Marathon
I’m gonna be up front with you guys: the Wilmington Marathon went poorly. But it went, so I’m gonna tell you about it. I’m consistent like that. It all started out okay: I woke up on time, fueled up, taped up, dressed, and made it to downtown Wilmington without incident. Weather ranged from 55 in the morning to the...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Hosts The 2021 Walt Disney World Marathon’s Wake
I hope you enjoyed my light complaining earlier this week, because today we’re going to do some heavy complaining: I should be in Walt Disney World right now.
I should be picking up my race bib! I should be planning out my pre-race meal! I should be there for the Walt Disney World Marathon! But I’m...
In Which Jenn Recaps The Battleship Half Marathon
Okay, so the Battleship Half Marathon may not have been a triumph, but it turned out fine. The race was a bit unusual in that in order to accommodate COVID precautions, the start would be staggered across several hours. My wave time was 8:30am, so I didn’t even have to wake up until like 6:30am (which if you’re into...
Continue readingThe Fairest Trip Report Of All: The 2020 WDW Marathon
And now for my favorite kind of post – the trip report! I’ll be covering my 2020 Marathon trip. You can read all the posts in this report here. Onward! This is the story about how a recurrent IT band issue left me horrifically undertrained for the WDW Marathon, a full 26.2 miles worth of running in high heat and...
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