Announcing a run goal in a public forum is risky. I mean, sometimes you whiff it, y’know? Sometimes you whiff it twice. Still, what’s the fun in taking a big swing if no one is there to see, um, where… the ball… lands? I’m not sure where to take this metaphor, but I think you get the idea. Anyway,...
Continue readingLet’s Give This Run Streak Thing Another Try
I am not a run streak girl.* Not historically. So far, I want to say my run streak record is… six days in a row? I’ve definitely done that on vacation. * In case you are a Disney person but not a running person, a run streak means that you run a bunch of days consecutively. You don’t have...
Continue readingOcean City’s Haunted House Is Scary Now
I LOVE DARK RIDES. I love them! Roller coasters and other thrill rides are great too, obviously, but as far as I’m concerned dark rides are where it’s at. I don’t know; I just love traveling through a story, I guess. Even a scary story. Enter Ocean City, MD’s Haunted House. The Trimper’s rides at the end of the...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Runs Slow (& It’s GREAT)
I was in Ocean City, MD last week. I KNOW. Look, I’m not saying it was a good idea. Largely we went so that we could be the buffer between the world and an immunocompromised family member who was going. We wore masks any time we stepped outside, but you wouldn’t BELIEVE how many people on the boardwalk didn’t....
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Has A Boardwalk Running Suggestion
It’s officially summer, and that means beach trips are just around the corner. And beach runs, of course. Personally, I love running on Ocean City’s boardwalk. Probably just about any boardwalk, really. The sights! The energy! The ocean breeze! The flatness! The occasional water fountain! But even I have had some tough-ish runs in this wonderful setting, and it’s...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Is In Love With Boardwalk Runs
If your regularly running trail is riddled with changes in altitude and terrain, perhaps your mind, too, wanders back to happy memories of runDisney races. Specifically: the flatness of Florida. How easy it is to run in Florida! So level! So devoid of hills! How glorious it would be to clock all your training there, perhaps lacking in challenges...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 9/27
I did it! I did it! My twenty-miler is BEHIND ME. Take that, marathon training cycle! It’s all downhill from here, baby! All of which is to say that on Sunday I ran the National Capital 20 Miler and it wasn’t nearly as terrible as last year. Review to come, of course. The rest of this week I’ll be...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Runs On The Boardwalk… FOREVER???
Now that we have my itchy, welt-y, icky rant out of the way, we can talk about the nice things that happened on vacation. And there were lots! Hanging out on the beach and jumping over waves Eating “Sweetest Fish” Italian ice because it’s finally out of litigation Playing with Pat’s niece Going to the Kite Loft toy store and...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Has Gallivanted Off To The Ocean Again
Guess where I am right now! If you guessed Walt Disney World… you’re wrong. I know, I’m upset about it too. But I am in Ocean City, MD with my boyfriend and his family, and that’s one hell of a giant step above normal life/work, no? I’m planning to knock out three runs on the boardwalk over the course...
The Fairest Week In Review: 9/29
MOON: So! Tell me about your week in running. JENN: My week was okay, I guess. I ran on the treadmill, then I ran in Ocean City, then I had the National Capital 20 Miler, which kinda blew but I’ll talk more about the later this week. You? MOON: Well, I got lots of walking in? Still working a lot. Between three different jobs...
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