And now I make my annual pilgrimage to the Outer Banks. None of you losers are invited (especially Florence). Nah, just kidding. You’re all invited! (Except Florence.) IF YOU CAN FIND ME. AHAHAHAHAHA!!! Right, so anyway, in accordance with my vacation I’m taking a week off from the blog. As always, if you’re terribly bored, I highly recommend...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Is In Love With Boardwalk Runs
If your regularly running trail is riddled with changes in altitude and terrain, perhaps your mind, too, wanders back to happy memories of runDisney races. Specifically: the flatness of Florida. How easy it is to run in Florida! So level! So devoid of hills! How glorious it would be to clock all your training there, perhaps lacking in challenges...
Continue readingThe Jenn Guide To Running On The Beach
Newsflash, everybody: running on the beach is hard. I was cavalier, going in. I hear running on the beach is hardER, I thought to myself, but I’m a marathoner – how bad can it be? WELL. Let’s back up a moment. I never planned to run on the beach, for a multitude of reasons that will be discussed here....
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 9/13
BLAST. I had a whole post set up to go out last week explaining that I was in the Outer Banks this week but don’t worry, I was DEFINITELY going to run and I’d see you all next week etc. etc. But I forgot that in addition to scheduling a post, you have to hit publish, even though you’re...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Runs On The Boardwalk… FOREVER???
Now that we have my itchy, welt-y, icky rant out of the way, we can talk about the nice things that happened on vacation. And there were lots! Hanging out on the beach and jumping over waves Eating “Sweetest Fish” Italian ice because it’s finally out of litigation Playing with Pat’s niece Going to the Kite Loft toy store and...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Has Gallivanted Off To The Ocean Again
Guess where I am right now! If you guessed Walt Disney World… you’re wrong. I know, I’m upset about it too. But I am in Ocean City, MD with my boyfriend and his family, and that’s one hell of a giant step above normal life/work, no? I’m planning to knock out three runs on the boardwalk over the course...
The Fairest Week in Review: 7/29
JENN: Okay, here’s my first report for the week: the running skirt I bought last week was a bust. I tried it on and it fit really comfortably, which should’ve been the first red flag. Since the undershorts weren’t gripping my thighs with deathly force, they naturally rode up as soon as I started to run. MOON: I figured...
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