Whew. Okay. Big week, guys, big week. Today is Halloween, so good tidings and felicitations and all that. A mere handful of days ago I completed my fourth Marine Corps Marathon. And on Friday morning, I’m heading to… WALT DISNEY WORLD!!!! for my fourth Wine & Dine Half Marathon weekend. In a word: YES. I DEMAND DARKWING DUCK MAKE A...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 11/01
Well. The Marine Corps Marathon. It happened. Spoiler alert: I did not make a PR. Were, technically. I was wrong. But I tried. It’s like I skipped all the Halloween parties for NOTHING. But hey, neither did I, say, break a bone, and I did finish, so it could certainly have been much worse. I’ll be gathering up my...
The Fairest Week In Review: 10/28
JENN: Did you run last week? MOON: Almost every dayyyyy! JENN: Yes! Good runs? MOON: Not too bad! They’ll get better! But this is nothing. Someone ran another marathon! This is so much cooler to talk about. JENN: Haha, yeah, I’ll do a recap later, but: 3 seconds faster than last year! STAGNANT. I mean, there were some mitigating circumstances I’ll talk about later this...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Recaps the Marine Corps Marathon Expo
And now – my recap of the Marine Corps Marathon experience! Yay! My marathon adventure began with a quick trip on the Metro. I live just outside of DC already, but it would’ve been a pain getting to the race start from Bethesda, so – SLEEPOVER WITH NICOLE in DC proper! Yay! Nicole picked me up from Dupont and after...
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