
I Can’t Tell You How To Prep For Running, But I Can Tell You How NOT To

Hobbyists love handing out advice to the newbies in their ranks, and runners are no exception to this rule. I can’t scroll past three posts on Instagram without coming across some new training or racing tidbit, whether it be anecdotal from a running enthusiast or professional from a coach/physical therapist/nutritionist/etc. What can I say; the algorithm gets me. Well,...

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Doctor Who run

The Fairest Week In Review: 8/25

JENN: So how’s your running been going? MOON: Steady, can’t complain. Although I need something new to listen to. I get so bored. JENN: Still enjoying the treadmill? MOON: I am, except the boredom part. JENN: You should’ve come to Orlando with me last week! I mean, the treadmill was just as boring but there was fruit-infused water every day. I mean, it was Florida...

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Donald Duck wine

It’s a Coconut Water Battle Royale!

Jenn is still in charge! Fear for your lives! There has been much buzz in the running community of late about coconut water as a wonderful alternative to traditional energy drinks like Gatorade or Powerade – coconut water has naturally occurring electrolytes, carbohydrates, and potassium, with none of the weird preservatives and added sugars. Perfect for a runner’s hydration!...

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