Yeah, sorry, I’m changing it up AGAIN. I was so pleased when I put together my race schedule for the year. Everything was going to work out so nicely! Then: DISASTER. No, wait, sorry; Disaster is that former Universal Studios attraction with a holographic Christopher Walken. I’m kinda gonna miss it. This is not a disaster, but rather an alteration. Walk...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Does Not Like These Wine & Dine Half Changes
Last week the internet exploded with the knowledge that the Wine & Dine Half Marathon has been completely revamped. Gone is the night race and the immediately following after party until 4am, replaced with your standard issue 5:30am half, a new 10K, and with that a new (EXPENSIVE) challenge. Seems like many people are cool with this change. NOT...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Recaps The Parks Half Marathon
I was standing under an eave watching the rain come down when Pat picked me up to take me to the Parks Half Marathon start line (have I ever mentioned that my boyfriend is the best ever?). This would seem an inauspicious beginning, I needn’t have feared – it was to be a perfect day for running. The Parks...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Registers For The Wine & Dine Half
Yeah baby yeah! Wait, 12:01AM start time? The time for agonizing was over. All that remained was registration. Which I did. Step one complete! Woo! And it’s a good thing I was on top of it – the race sold out in under an hour. God forbid I had a meeting or something at noon. (And I think it’s...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Is Wining & Dining After All
So… scrap everything I said about future runDisney plans. If you’ve been following me on Twitter, you know I’ve been waffling about this year’s Wine & Dine Half Marathon for a good week. Originally I was not going to do it, OBVIOUSLY. I had other plans and it would be good to save money anyway. Then early registration opened...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Points Out Posts You May Have Missed
Hey, you know how occasionally you’ll be watching a sitcom and it will dawn on you with slow horror that what you’re actually seeing is a clips show? Yeah, I’m doing that. It’s not so bad! I applied logic to this decision, I swear! It’s merely that it occurs to me that this blog is closer to its second...
Continue readingThe Fairest Trip Report Of All: The WDW Half Marathon
Is it trip report time again already? Yay! I’ll be looking back at my Dopey trip at the beginning of January, with special separate posts for each race and some food experiences depending on how much I have to say about them. You can read all the posts in this particular trip report here. Ready? Let’s go! I’m not gonna...
Continue readingThe Fairest Trip Report Of All: Wine & Dine Half Marathon Recap
It’s time for another trip report! Yay! As I have in the past, I’ll be saving our ADRs for a final food review post, but I’ve decided to sprinkle all the Food & Wine Festival stuff into the report itself. You can see all the entries in this report here. Okay, onward! Hit it, Gene! Minus the Volkswagen connection, this...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 11/04
JENN: Happy post Halloween, everybody! We hope you all had a fantastic holiday, full of candy and tricked out gourds. So M, did you run last week? MOON: Affirmative. Getting “ready” for a 5K. No big deal, but I’ll be running with friends and that always makes me nervous/breathe funny. JENN: Awww. You always seem to run fine with me! You...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Is Obnoxiously Cheerful About the Future
Strap in, everybody – to counter yesterday’s whine-fest, I’m now going to be overwhelmingly positive! In this particular case, I am both Ted AND Veronica. See this sticky note that lives on my work computer? This sticky note houses all the joy of the foreseeable future. The first two – the Tessy convention (5K recap here) and Outer Banks...
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