JENN: In my head I originally titled this series “Gun To Your Head,” the idea being that if someone were to hold a gun to your head and demand your favorite Disney ride and you can only say one with no caveats GO, what would you say? But that seemed needlessly violent, given the subject matter, so I vote...
Continue readingThe Great Margarita Caper
JENN: So today I would like to talk about the Great Cucumber Margarita Caper, Or; Drinking 1/12 of the Way Around the World. MOON: You mean drinking our way INTO Mexico and then I’m drunk? JENN: Well, technically we drank IN Mexico, and then out of Mexico. But everywhere we went, we took Mexico with us. MOON: We drank...
Continue readingIn Which We Recap the 2013 Princess Half Marathon
When we last left Jenn and Moon, they had just finished talking over their time at the Fit for a Princess Expo. Ready for the race recap proper? Let’s dive in… JENN: I don’t know about you, but I didn’t sleep super well the night before the Princess Half Marathon. I did that annoying thing I always do when...
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