The trip report continues! Click here to see all the posts for this report. As a note: I’m glossing over my food experiences here, but don’t worry – I’ll be doing a full food post or two later on. Our last full day. Booo. It’s funny how you can start getting bummed out over the end of your vacation...
Continue readingThe Fairest Trip Report of All: 12/05/13
The trip report continues! Click here to see all the posts for this report. As a note: I’m glossing over my food experiences here, but don’t worry – I’ll be doing a full food post or two later on. We got up at 7AM for our first full vacation day. Epcot was on the docket, but first we wanted...
Continue readingPhotographic Memory: Epcot’s German Nutcracker
In anticipation of the Christmas WDW trip Jenn leaves for tomorrow, we give you – A POST WITH MOON! MOON: I was honored with the task of picking a photo for today’s post! I give you: the nutcracker. JENN: Directly from Epcot’s Germany pavilion in December 2008! MOON: A telling photo of our differing physical grace. This was my...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Won’t Shut Up About Epcot & Cultural Policy
Hi there! Jenn here. So, I’m having a really busy week – Elizabeth is crashing at my apartment tonight in preparation for our Busch Gardens trip on Friday, and I’ve been frantically cleaning between runs and ballet classes and work. And my room is still going to look terrible. Hopefully she won’t actually see it. Elizabeth, if you’re reading...
Continue readingPhotographic Memory: Our Friend the Epcot Outlet
JENN: It’s time for another Photographic Memory! First a little background: Moon and I went down to WDW in December of 2008. We rode Mission: Space a billion times, because Moon LOOOOVES Mission: Space. I mean, I too love Mission: Space, but Moon LOOOOOOOOOVES Mission: Space! Orange side only, please. We’ve never even ridden green. MOON: I looooooove space....
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 9/23
Okay, so, the reason why Moon has been skipping on these Week in Review posts is because she’s been too busy to run, what with her free time being spent at the hospital with her mother and all. She’s rather bummed about it, as you might imagine; us runner types do very much enjoy, y’know, running. Therefore I would...
Continue readingSquirtgun To Your Head: Favorite WDW Store?
JENN: Squirtgun to Your Head time! What’s your favorite store at Walt Disney World? Betcha it’s the same as mine! MOON: It is! I wonder if anyone reading this is thinking, “Yeah, me too.” We don’t even have to say it. Why hello, sailor. JENN: Well, I’m going to anyway, because it’s fun to say. MITSUKOSHI DEPARTMENT STORE! The...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 9/16
Moon can’t make it today, but – IT’S HER BIRTHDAY! WEEEEEE!!! Everybody wish her a happy one!
D Glorious. Okay. Training last week. It started out well – on Sunday I knocked out a 16 miler at decent speeds. Unfortunately my Tuesday run was rough and my Thursday run was even rougher. I couldn’t figure out what...
A Tale of Two Tequila Shots
Please join me once again in welcoming the amazing, death-defying Elizabeth as my special guest! JENN: So, tequila. Walt Disney World. Walt Disney World. Tequila. I think the connection is obvious. ELIZABETH: And the first time you chickened out! JENN: This is true. Let the record show that Elizabeth is twice the man I am. ELIZABETH: It was a...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Discusses the “Fine, Don’t Come” Mentality
Story time! Store 1: Once I was standing in the kitchenette of my former place of employment when two other employees came in. One mentioned something about Walt Disney World, and the other began a long rant about why he hated the place – the crowds, the lines, the prices: you know, the classics. And he seemed so PROUD...
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