Hello and welcome to a very strange trip report! If you are looking for a perfectly normal dose of pixie dust, I refer you to any of my other trip reports. For you see, this particular report will have its fair share of oddities. And before this first installment is over, SOMEONE WILL BE DEAD. Ahahaha!* … Yeah. * Ghost...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 12/06
Annnnd I’m back from WDW. The end of this trip hasn’t been as wrenching… kind of. Guys, it was a weird trip. Some wonky stuff happened. I’m talking scams, sickness, bomb sniffing dogs, and DEATH. (Just kidding!) (Actually not kidding!) Well, not exactly… I’m definitely gonna need a do-over. On that decidedly un-Disneylike note of disquieting intrigue, let’s...