Hello and welcome to my Dopey Challenge 2025 trip report! Today I’d like to talk about the costs associated with being a Dopey Challenger. Read all the entries in this report here. Onward! WDW Marathon Weekend is special to me. Although I’m not one of the diehards who register for the Dopey Challenge every year, I had an amazing...
Continue readingIs Sparkle Athletic’s Sparkle Squad (Still) Worth It?
And I’m back! I first joined Sparkle Athletic’s Sparkle Squad in 2020, and while I felt the program had merit I’ve skipped the last couple of years. Yet here I stand confessing that for 2024 they convinced me to splurge again – not necessarily because of the Squad perks themselves, but because the limited edition skirt and visor print...
Continue readingMy Custom Potatoland Minnie Ears!
I have been waiting for MONTHS to show you my amazing new custom Minnie ears, and the day has finally come! After all, it’s Halloween season, and what could be more appropriate than discussion of my latest race costume? Remember when I ran into Katie of Riverbend Ear Design while in line for Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure? She makes detachable...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 11/28
Hello. I am cold. It’s been a rainy, blustery, disgusting November, and I just want everyone who claims to love fall that you are WRONG. WRONG!!! I’ve been distracting myself from the horrors of this god-awful season by trying to decide on a costume for the WDW Marathon. I could do Figment again, of course, which would be the easiest...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Makes Her First Running Costume EVER
I just counted, and here are how many runDisney races I’ve done, not counting Sunday’s Dark Side Half: eleven. And here’s how many of those races I’ve run costumed: zero. I mean, my focus has been primarily on making it through the race something semi-akin to the right temperature and without chafing my thighs off. I’ve historically left the...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn & Moon Discuss Running While Wearing Makeup
JENN: This is a topic that has been pinging around in my skull for some time: running in makeup. I remember for the Princess Half Marathon I put on some foundation because it has SPF 15 and I am the world’s palest pale person. By the end of the race I can’t be sure I didn’t sweat it all...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week in Review: 10/7
Last week my boss was all excited because her daughter’s wings had come in for her Halloween costume. Her daughter is going to be the… Halloween… Fairy… something? Apparently it’s a book? Anyway, my boss had them shipped to work, so she showed us: perfect, Tink-style fairy wings, only orange-y yellow. Half-joking, I declared that I would have to...
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