JENN: HAPPY NEW YEAR! MOON: Happy New Year to you also! JENN: How was your holiday? MOON: The holidays were relaxing. New Year’s was great (I got to hang out with my BFF Jenn!). How was your holiday? JENN: Pretty good! I got new sneakers and everything. Plus a free hat for my birthday! MOON: Oooh! Yay, new gear. JENN: Did you run at all...
Happy Friday: Hip Hop Noel
Hi there! Jenn here. Usually our Happy Friday posts are just something cute and/or silly along the Disney vein, but during this very special time of year I wanted to share a holiday memory. Did anyone else have the Disney’s Twelve Days of Christmas sing-along tape when they were a kid? Man, I LOVED this thing. I remember having...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Went to Puerto Rico
Okay, so, like I said before, I spent the long weekend in Puerto Rico. In an effort to make this somewhat more related to the mission statement of the blog, I will say: I did not run in PR but I saw several OTHER people out for a run, which means that if I ever move to Puerto Rico...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 1/07
JENN: Question one on my mind is this: did you get any running/exercise stuff for Christmas? MOON: I did, actually! Did you? JENN: Yes! You first. MOON: So, the only Christmas-proper running present I got was from my roommate’s mother. She gave me a new pair of running shoes! We had been looking through the outlets over the summer...
Continue readingPhotographic Memory: Epcot’s German Nutcracker
In anticipation of the Christmas WDW trip Jenn leaves for tomorrow, we give you – A POST WITH MOON! MOON: I was honored with the task of picking a photo for today’s post! I give you: the nutcracker. JENN: Directly from Epcot’s Germany pavilion in December 2008! MOON: A telling photo of our differing physical grace. This was my...
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