Hello and welcome back to yet another trip report! Find all the entries in this report here. Onward! Let’s see, where was I? Oh yes; I had just finished the WDW Marathon. I collected my medals and snacks and such and that was that. Hooray! But also boo, because it was over. But also hooray, because it was great!...
Speed Running Walt Disney World: The Snack Report
My last Walt Disney World trip was small but mighty. I may not have had a lot of hours to spare, but I had to sneak in some snacks and drinks! As you know, one simply cannot dine at Disney without reviewing the experience, and as I don’t want to lose my blogger card, I must oblige. Read on...
Continue readingThe Fairest Trip Report Of All: Our Disney Springs Bar Crawl
The full trip report is over, but the details still need filling in. Read on for more May 2021 WDW fun! Guys! Have you ever eschewed an evening in one of the parks in favor of a bar crawl at Disney Springs? Sounds crazy, right? Well YOU SHOULD DO IT. Becky and I did and it was awesome! I talked about...
Continue readingThe Fairest Trip Report Of All: Jockey Lindsey’s Hangar Bar Review
Alas, the day has come: this Jocky Lindsey’s Hangar Bar review is my last post for my December 2017 trip report. Now comes the long dark stretch between now and November’s Wine & Dine Half trip. But why dwell on such tragedies when there is delicious food and drink to be had? My friends, we now return to Jock Lindsey’s...
Continue readingThe Fairest Trip Report Of All: A Disney Springs Mini Bar Crawl
The trip report proper is over, but we’re not done yet – I’ve still got lots of thoughts, including food reviews and photos! You can see all the posts in this report here. Onward! (I mean the crawl was mini. The bars were not.) I can sometimes be a commando park aficionado to my own detriment. Rather than rest a bit...
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