The trip report proper is over, but we’re not done yet – I’ve still got lots of thoughts, including food reviews and photos! You can see all the posts in this report here. Onward! It was Pat who spotted the PhotoPass photographer, not me. I blazed right past her in my quest to ride the Haunted Mansion, but he saw and...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 6/08
Something TERRIBLE has happened. What am I supposed to do now? Run outside exclusively?! In Maryland?! WHERE WINTER EXISTS????? Ugh, I need to move to Orlando or Hawaii or something ASAP. In the meantime… what do I do?! Luckily I’m pretty amenable to early runs outside during the summer while the sun rises early and the temperatures are acceptably...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Crushes The ZOOMA Annapolis Half Marathon
Oh, is it race day already? ZOOMA Annapolis went so well I’m worried I may have used up all my good race luck for the year. If you’re running a race and see someone face down in the mud, covered in scrapes and both legs broken, it’s probably me. But let’s not worry overmuch about the future. Let’s dwell...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Is Winging Her Race Schedule
SURPRISE! I’m running a half marathon this Saturday! “Dammit, Jenn,” you say, because you are emotionally invested in my life, plans, and overall well-being, “why didn’t I KNOW that?? Haven’t you usually posted your race schedule on the blog by now???” Well, sure, normally I have. But thanks to my new policy of not committing to races earlier than...
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